• 進階PHP網路爬蟲開發經驗談

    Advanced Web Crawler Labs

  • MOPCON 2023

    MOPCON 2023

  • Advanced Web Crawler Labs

    Advanced Web Crawler Labs

  • COSCUP 2023

    COSCUP 2023, Collaborating the PHPBrew : past, now and future

  • CI/CD Tools Survey

    CI/CD Tools Survey

  • MOPCON 2022

    MOPCON 2022

  • COSCUP 2022

    COSCUP 2022, Making PHP great again community talk

  • COSCUP Open Source Contributor Workshop

    COSCUP Open Source Contributor Workshop

  • Best practices for using PHP to develop web crawlers!

    PHP Conference Japan 2021

  • Coding style, Static code analysis and PHP

    LaravelConf Taiwan 2021

  • MOPCON 2021

    The Experiences about OpenADR-based architecture

  • How to integrate my web crawler with Firebase and Google Cloud Functions

    Summer Boot Camp Demo Day

  • PHP網路爬蟲開發:入門到進階的爬蟲技術指南


  • 那些架設Composer鏡像小事


  • 那些年我參與智慧電網相關專案血淚史

    MOPCON 2020 talk

  • Green Button, PHP and JavaScript

    Nomad PHP

  • Web Scrapping, Crawler and PHP

    COSCUP 2020

  • LaravelConf Taiwan 2020 安可議程intro


  • Hash, Cryptography, and PHP

    PHPConf Japan 2019

  • Azure cloud workshop

    This is the first Azure cloud workshop

  • 加密/解密/雜湊 看 PHP 版本的演進

    加密/解密/雜湊 看 PHP 版本的演進

  • Green Button guide

    Green Button Data

  • 開發現代化PHP套件:從零開始

    SITCON 2019

  • Let's open source!!

    MOPCON 2018 unconference talk slide link: https://bit.ly/2SJDcoU

  • Open source projects lightning talk

    Hacktoberfest in DigitalOcean Hsinchu - A Celebration of Open Source!

  • 我在 GitHub 參與開源貢獻專案的日子

  • smart-sos

  • crypto-monitor

  • 貢獻PHP套件開源專案學到的技巧

  • Nodejs的單元測試&CI CD

  • WordPress 實戰:架設專屬於自己的網站

  • 在美食沙漠中找到綠洲

    Hsinchu 創客大賽----黑客松

  • The PHP unit testing for noob

  • 正妹牆

  • 大學接案史

    在大學那幾年中接案所發生的 " 趣事 "