English Pronunciation 101

Phat Tran

Phonetics Chart


How to pronounce sounds:

Oxford Learner's Dictionaroes


final "ed" pronunciation

  • /id/ : ending sound /t/, /d/
  • /t/   : ending sound /p/, /k/, /f/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /s/
  • /d/  : the rest

final "ed" example

  • /id/ : /ˈwɒntɪd/, /niːdɪd/
    • wanted, needed
  • /t/   : /stɒpt/, /ɑːskt/, /lɑːft/, /ʃt/, /t/, /st/
    • ​stoped, asked, laughed, washed, watched, kissed
  • /d/  : /kləʊzd/, ...
    • closed

final "s" pronunciation

  • /iz/ : ending sound /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, //, //
  • /s/  : ending sound /t/, /k/, /f/, /θ/, /p/
  • /z/  : the rest

final "s" examples

  • /iz/ : /reɪsiz/, /praɪziz/, /ʃiz/, /iz/, /tʃeɪniz/
    • (races, prizes, dishes, watches, changes)
  • /s/  : /ts/, /ks/, /klɪfs/, /θs/, /sliːps/
    • (hats, books, cliffs, myths, sleeps)​
  • /z/  : /kræbz/
    • ​(crabs)

Schwa sound


Thank you!

Next: Speaking Skills

Phat Tran

English Pronunciation 101

By Phat Tran

English Pronunciation 101

Introduction to English pronunciation: phonetics, how to pronounce "es", "ed", schwa sound ...

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