An Introduction to

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)


Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Hello the Web, howdy?

The world before WWW

It's me, AJAX

Interactive experiences

Here comes the mobile age

Mobile usage

But, ...

  • 80% of time spent is in top 3 apps
  • 0 app average users install per month
    (Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, U.S., Age 18+, June 2015)

Here's come a solution:

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

are a new level of caring about

the quality of your user experience

User experience

  • Reliable
  • Fast
  • Engaging


  • Instant load
  • Perform properly under uncertain network conditions
  • Even work offline


  • Response quickly to user interactions
  • Silky smooth animation
  • No janky scrolling

Bounce rate

Source: SOATSA

Speed matters


  • Look & feel like a native app
  • Act like a native app

Adding to home screen

App-like look & feel

Push notifications

Service Worker

How to get started

with PWA?

Be safe

3 approaches for PWA

Ground up approach

Simple version approach

Single feature approach

Accelerated Mobile Pages

optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere.

Why AMP?

try it on your mobile browser

  • Dramatically decrease page load time, instantly (ads have to come later)
  • Higher SEO ranking
  • Win-win for users & publishers (not for devs :D)

How AMP works

Google AMP Cache

AMP HTML (a.k.a. diet HTML)

Other restrictions

  • All external scripts are async (best practice is to put in in an amp-iframe to not block current app)
  • Resources such as ads, images & iframes must be inside pre-defined width & height containers
  • CSS must be inlined
  • Fonts are super large, they should be optimized
  • Minimize restyling calculations
  • Only run GPU-accelerated animations
  • Many more to be explored...


  • How to publish AMPs?
  • How many pages that i can register to be cached by Google per domain?
    • Not sure yet, can be unlimited (e.g. The Guardian, just add "/amp" to the end of any post)
  • How about CMS?
    • Prepare CMS pages with the content, publish them

Progressive Web AMPs

Future web APIs

  • Web payments API
  • Credential Management API

Web payments API

Credential management APIs

An Introduction to PWA & PWA

By Phat Tran

An Introduction to PWA & PWA

A short briefing about Progressive Web App Roadshow 2016 - Ho Chi Minh city with statistics and images

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