Avoidable Procedures in Web SEO

Suggested Amendments For Improvement

Common Mistakes

Inserting Duplicate Content


Replace Such Text & Media with Original Matter & Customized Images & Videos

Purchasing Incoming Links Or Zero Internal and Outgoing Linking

Buying Links or Using Software for Auto generating Backlinks are punishable by Google and Bing

Adding Flash Based Animations

Use HTML 5 For Better Web Accessibility

Animated and Image Based Menus

Give First Preference to Text Based Menus

Over-optimizing Anchor Text & Keyword Stuffing In Documents, Testimonials & Portfolios

Write Sentences in a Natural Way Instead of Manipulating Words to Match The Exact Anchor Text

Avoidable Steps

Headline Identical to Page Title


Add 4 to 6 Useful Words to Page Headings to Form an Appropriate Header

Too Many Advertisements

Only Place Ad's As Long As They Don't Clutter Documents & Site Testimonials

Ignoring Follower Comments on Social Media & Articles

Do not Forget Thanking and Replying to Views by Fans on your Postings

Forgetting The Importance of Location Map

Try Embedding a Location Map of Your Official Address on the Contact Page

A Complicated Contact Form

Have only 1 or 2 Mandatory "To-be-Filled" Fields in The Contact Form

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Avoidable Procedures in Web SEO

By PJ SEO Specialists

Avoidable Procedures in Web SEO

Duplicate content, headlines identical to page titles, animated menus and Over-optimizing anchor text are some of the avoidable procedures in web SEO.

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