Course Intro

Visual Shaders

Josh Beckwith

Spark AR



Josh Beckwith


Color Channels

Render Pass


Color Adjustments

Visual Shaders

Josh Beckwith

Spark AR



Josh Beckwith


Color Channels

Render Pass


Color Adjustments

Visual Shaders

Josh Beckwith

Spark AR


Josh Beckwith

Aspect ratio

UV & Texture sampling

Procedural shapes and gradients

Edge filters with Shader derivative

Packaging shader patches

Chapter intro

2. Fundamentals



Color Channels

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin burgdoggen beef ribs, brisket doner ground round leberkas shankle kielbasa cow tri-tip sausage meatloaf porchetta. Cow ribeye short ribs kielbasa shank leberkas.


Visual Shaders


Visual Shaders

Spark AR


Josh Beckwith

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If you're interested to learn more about Shaders or about Spark AR, you can find more on the educational space of PopulAR Planets

Visual Shaders

Spark AR


Josh Beckwith

🍬 Sweet

Tag us when sharing what you've made


Shop many visual shader resources for Spark AR and other Augmented Reality frameworks on Sugar, the asset store made by creators for creators

Visual Shaders

Spark AR


Josh Beckwith

😎 Now your turn!

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin burgdoggen beef ribs, brisket doner ground round leberkas shankle kielbasa cow tri-tip sausage meatloaf porchetta. Cow ribeye short ribs kielbasa shank leberkas.

Tag us when sharing what you've made



The low
effort way

On this proposition, we'd just export the slides in HTML.

Once that done, we'd add a little js animation translating the active class from one bullet point to another,
and change the image on the right.

I'm planning to trigger the translation on keydown 'N'

On this proposition, we'd just export the slides in HTML.

Once that done, we'd add a little js animation translating the active class from one bullet point to another.

I'm planning to trigger the translation on keydown 'N'

Visual Shader: Title cards

By Alie Ross

Visual Shader: Title cards

This course will give you the skills you need to create custom 2D visual shaders (using the patch editor) in Spark AR.

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