Calgary Python Meetup PyYYC

Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring.

Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring.

The Pac-Man Rule

When standing as a group of people, always leave room for 1 person to join your group.

Today's Talk

Creating a GUI application with Python - PDF merger for windows

by Gisu David Ham

Intelligent Wellhead Systems Optimizes Secure Real-Time Wellsite Data

by Murad Mohammed

Upcoming Events

Polyglot 2020

Late Feb/early Mar, Edmonton

PyCascades 2020

Feb 8-9, Portland, US

PyCon US 2020

Apr 15-23, Pittsburgh, US

Prairie Dev Con Calgary 2020

Apr 6-7, Calgary


  • Python 2.7 end of life (EOL) Jan. 1, 2020
  • Last Python 2.7 maintenance Release on April 2020
  • Python 3.8.1 released
  • Django security release 3.0.1, 2.2.9 and 1.11.27   
    potential account hijack via password reset form
  • Python 3.9.0a2 available
  • Pandas 1.0 released

Reading for the Month

How to deliver on Machine Learning projects

  • Analyze, Select Approach, Implement, Measure

What's new in Pandas 1.0

  • pandas 1.0 requires python 3.6+
  • Convert to markdown
  • Enhancement and more types

Optimizing Django Admin Paginator

  • Django admin forces every single page to scan the entire table
  • A few custom paginators

Python Tip

List comprehension nested loops

Next PyYYC: Feb. 26

Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in collaboration.

PyYYC Jan 22 2020

By Calgary Python Meetup PyYYC