
Calgary Python Meetup PyYYC

Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring.

The Pac-Man Rule

When standing as a group of people, always leave room for 1 person to join your group.

Today's Talk

Making Bad Ideas Work: Real-Time Control Firmware in Python

by Keegan Callin

Concurrent execution with Python

by Mitch Wasson

Upcoming Events


YYC DataCon 2021

Mar (TBD), Calgary


  • Python 3.9.0rc2 available for testing
  • Python 3.8 is now the latest feature release, you should consider upgrading ASAP
  • Django security releases issued: 3.1.1, 3.0.10 and 2.2.16
  • Python 3.5.10 available 
  • incorrect file upload permission
  • Django 3.1 released

Reading for the Month

Leverage the InnoDB architecture to optimize Django model design

  • InnoDB architecture: data storage (B+ tree), buffer pool (linked list), page, extent, index
  • django model design: KISS (keep it small and simple)

Understanding Deep Self-attention Mechanism in Convolution Neural Networks

  • Detailed explanation of self-attention from the limitation of encoder-decoder architecture

Python Decorators — 5 Advanced Features to Know

  • Demonstrates how to write decorators for various scenarios - with function signature, wraps for docstring, decorator with args, nested decorators, and class based decorators

Next PyYYC: Oct 28

Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in collaboration.

We are looking for presenters!!

Any topic and experience level with Python

PyYYC Sept 23 2020

By Calgary Python Meetup PyYYC