Introduction to Javascript


Engineering Manager
Goto Financial

Iqbal Farabi


Intro to Programming

Statements, Expressions, and Operators



Building Blocks

Values and Types, Objects, and Functions


Control Flow

Conditionals and Loops

Intro to Programming

Intro to Programming

Before we begin...

Intro to Programming

Can you help write me instructions on how to create a paper airplane?

Let's Start with a Quiz...

a = 1;
b = "1";
a + b;
Intro to Programming

What do you think will be the result of the following code snippet?

Let's Start with a Quiz...

a = 2;
b = "3";
a * b;
Intro to Programming

How about this?

Let's Start with a Quiz...

a = 1;
b = "1";
a + b;
Intro to Programming

Why is the result "11"?

Why is the result 6?

a = 2;
b = "3";
a * b;

A computer program is just a collection of many statements which combined together define all the steps required to perform a program's purpose.

Intro to Programming


a = b * 2;
Intro to Programming

Consider the following code snippet:


Intro to Programming


a group of words, numbers, and operators that performs a specific task

a = b * 2;

Consider the following code snippet:


Intro to Programming

In the statement above:

  • both `a` and `b` are variables
  • `2` is a literal value
  • `=` and `*` are operators
  • most Javascript statements are ended with `;` at the end
a = b * 2;

Consider the following code snippet:

Intro to Programming

Statements consist of one or more expressions. In the statement above:

  • `2` is a literal value expression
  • `b` is a variable expression
  • `b * 2` is an arithmetic expression
  • `a = b * 2` is an assignment expression


a = b * 2;

Consider the following code snippet:


Intro to Programming

Some operators in Javascript:

  • = for assignment
  • math operators such as +, -, *, /
  • compound assignment such as +=, -=, *=, /=
  • increment ++ and decrement --
  • . for object property access such as the one in console.log()
  • equality such as == for loose equals, === for strict equals, != for loose not equals, and !== for strict not equals
  • comparison such as >, <, >=, <=
  • logical such as && and ||

Try this out...

a = 21;
b = a * 2;
Intro to Programming

Try this out...

age = prompt("Input your age:");
Intro to Programming
Building Blocks

Building Blocks

Values and Types

Building Blocks

When we express values in a program, we chosse different kind of representations of those values based on what we need to do with them. These different representations of values are called types.

The following list describes built-in types available in Javascript:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • null and defined
  • object
  • symbol (new to ES6 or ECMAScript 6, the official Javascript specification)

Values and Types

Building Blocks

Try running the following code snippet in your browser console:

var a;
typeof a; // the book says this should return 'undefined', but Chrome returns 'object'

a = "hello world";
typeof a; // returns 'string'

a = 42;
typeof a; // returns 'number'

a = true;
typeof a; // returns 'boolean'

a = null;
typeof a; // retturns 'object'

a = undefined;
typeof a; // returns 'undefined'

a = { b: "c" };
typeof a; // returns 'object'

Values and Types - Coercion

Building Blocks

If we have a value of a number that we want to print to screen, we need to convert the type of the value from number to string. This is usually called a coercien. Take a look at the following example:

var a = "42";
var b = Number(a);

Values and Types

Building Blocks

Can you guess what's the result of the following code snippet?

"42" == 42;

Values and Types

Building Blocks

Can you guess what's the result of the following code snippet?

"42" == 42;

The coercion in the line `var b = Number(a);` from previous slide is called explicit coercion. Javascript can also do another kind of coercion called implicit coercion like we see in the code snippet above.


Building Blocks

In a program, a variable is used to track a value as it changes throughout the program. In a statically typed language, when a variable is declared, we also need to declare its type and the type can't be changed later. In a dynamically typed language, such as Javascript, we can use the same variable for different types. Take a look at the following example:

var price = 99.99;
price = "$" + String(price);


Building Blocks

In Javascript, a constant is a variable that is used for centralizing value setting. The following is an example how we use constants in Javascript:

var TAX_RATE = 0.15;
var amount = 99.99;
amount = amount * TAX_RATE;

TAX_RATE = 0.2;
amount = 99.99;
amount = amount * TAX_RATE;

As we can see in the snippet above, Javascript constants can actually be changed, it's only constant by convention.


Building Blocks

In ES6, we use `const` instead of `var` for constants and it actually behaves as a constant that can't be changed:

const TAX_RATE = 0.15;
var amount = 99.99;
amount = amount * TAX_RATE;

TAX_RATE = 0.2;
amount = 99.99;
amount = amount * TAX_RATE;

Try the code above in your console and see what happens.


In Javascript, unlike in OO language, object is a type that has a set of properties that each hold their own values of any type.

var employee = {
  name: "Iqbal Farabi",
  height: 179,
  is_active: true

// properties can be accessed with dot notation like this:;

// or with bracket notation like this:
Building Blocks


In Javascript, an array is an object that hold values in numerically indexed positions. Example:

var arr = ["hello world", 42, true];

typeof arr;

Like in other dynamically typed languages, an array in Javascript can contains values of different types.

Building Blocks


Like array, function is a subtype of object in Javascript. Example:

function foo() {
  return "hello world";
} = 42;

typeof foo; // returns 'function'
typeof foo(); // returns 'string'
typeof; // returns 'number'

The line ` = 42;` works because function is just a subtype of object and therefore can have its own properties.

Building Blocks
Control Flow

Control Flow

Control Flow

Control Flow

We can arrange statements in several ways. These are called control flow. There are several kinds of control flow:

  • sequential
  • conditional
  • loop
  • subroutine

Control Flow - Conditional

Control Flow


if (a == 2) {
  // do something
} else if (a == 3) {
  // do something else
} else {
  // fallback

Control Flow - Conditional

Control Flow


switch(a) {
  case 2:
    // do something
  case 3:
    // do something else
    // fallback

Control Flow - Conditional

Control Flow

Ternary operator:

var a = 42;
var b = (a > 41) ? "hello" : "world";

Control Flow - Loop

Control Flow

While loop:

i = 1;

while (i <= 10) {
  console.log("current step is: " + String(i));

Control Flow - Loop

Control Flow

Do-while loop:

i = 1;

do {
  console.log("current step is: " + String(i));
} while (i <= 10)

Control Flow - Loop

Control Flow

For loop:

for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
  console.log("current step is: " + String(i));

Let's End with Another Quiz...

Parting Gift

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".

Why Fizz Buzz?

Parting Gift

Writing programs is not a low level task. It's the very core of what you'll do!


Food for thoughts:


Introduction to Javascript

By qblfrb

Introduction to Javascript

  • 96