Variable, Assignment,

and Condition

Variable and Assignment

Variable and Assignment

Programming is all about creating abstractions, and in order to create an abstraction we must be able to assign names to things. Variables are a way of creating a name for a piece of data.

Variable and Assignment

# Creating a variables and assign their values in Ruby

age = 30

name = "Iqbal Farabi"

is_male = true

Variables in Ruby

1. No declaration needed

# Ruby
age = 30

# C and Java
int age;
age = 30;
# or
int age = 30;

Variables in Ruby

2. Right Side First

width = 10
height = 15

# Ruby evaluates expression in the right side of operator "=" first
# then it names the result with variable in the left side of operator "="
area = width * height

Variables in Ruby

3. Flexible Data Type

# Ruby
a = 10
a = "Hello, World!"

# C and Java
int a;
a = 10;
a = "Hello, World!"; # this expression will cause an error in C and Java

Naming Variables

Must do:

- Begins with lower case

- Contains no space

- Contains no special characters like $, @ and &

Naming Variables


- Using snake_case instead of camelCase

- Named after the meaning of its content

- Not abbreviated

Flow Control

Conditional Statements

'if', 'else', and 'elsif'

# Conditional statement with 'if', 'else', dan 'elsif'

require 'date'

if <, 9, 18)
  puts "Today's date is less than September 18th 2017"
elsif ==, 9, 18)
  puts "Today's date is September 18th 2017"
  puts "Today's date is greater than September 18th 2017"

# Conditional statement with 'if' can also be written inline
puts "Today's date is September 18th 2017" if ==, 9, 18)

Conditional statement with 'unless'

# Conditional statement with 'unless' and 'else'

require 'date'

unless ||
  puts "Work hard"
  puts "Play hard"

# Conditional statement with 'unless' can also be written inline
puts "Not freaky" unless

Conditional statement with 'case'

# Conditional statement with 'case' and 'when'

require 'date'

when "Monday"
  puts "Blue"
when "Tuesday"
  puts "Grey"
when "Wednesday"
  puts "Too"
when "Thursday"
  puts "I don't care about you"
when "Friday"
  puts "I'm in love"

Ternary Operator

# Conditional statement with ternary operator < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"

# Ternary operator can also be used to do inline conditional assignment

meridian = < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"
puts meridian

# In some cases, ternary operator comes in handy

allowed_license_number = % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"
puts "Only cars with #{allowed_license_number} license plate are allowed today"

Boolean Data Type


Boolean is a data type that only has two possible values: 'true' or 'false'.

Boolean Operator

a = 1
b = 2

a == b
# false

a > b
# false

a < b
# true

a >= b
# false

a <= b
# true

a != b
# true

Boolean Operator (1)

# Operator &&
# What are the results of these:

true && true

true && false

false && true

true && true

false && false
# Operator ||
# What are the results of these:

true || true

true || false

false || true

true || true

false || false

Boolean Operator (2)

# Operator &&
# What are the results of these:

true && true
# true

true && false
# false

false && true
# false

true && true
# true

false && false
# false
# Operator ||
# What are the results of these:

true || true
# true

true || false
# true

false || true
# true

true || true
# true

false || false
# false

Spaceship Operator

# Spaceship Operator (also called compariosn operator) has special characteristic
# as it has three possible values as folow:

1 <=> 2
# -1

1 <=> 1
# 0

2 <=> 1
# 1

# There's one more value thoug
# if two non comparable things are compared,
# it will return nil
1 <=> 'a'
# nil

Truthy dan Falsey

In some programming languages, we can evaluate non-boolean values in boolean context. To do this, these programming languages implement a concept known as 'truthy' and 'falsey'.


Truthy: non-boolean values that are evaluated as true

Falsey: non-boolean values that are evaluated as false

Truthy dan Falsey

# Truthy and falsey in Ruby

# Only false and nils that are evaluated as falsey

if false
  puts "nil is truthy"
  puts "nil is falsey"

if nil
  puts "nil is truthy"
  puts "nil is falsey"

# Everything else is evaluated as truthy

[true, false, Object, 0, 1, nil, true, false, "", [1, 2, 3], {}].each do |value|
  if value
    puts "#{value.inspect} is truthy"
    puts "#{value.inspect} is falsey"

Truthy dan Falsey

The implementation of truthy and falsey varies in every programming languages. In Javascript, for instance, 0 and "" are evaluated as falsey. Meanwhile in Python, [] and {} are evaluated as falsey.


Therefore, when we develop a Ruby app that interact with other apps, we need to be aware of the implementation of truthy and falsey in programming languages used in apps that we interact with.

Lazy Evaluation

Ruby evaluates a boolean expression lazily. It means:


1. Ruby does not necessarily evaluate the whole expression, it only evaluates part of expression as far as needed to return a value


2. Ruby will return the last evaluated part of an expression without finish evaluating the whole expression


Lazy evaluation is also known as short circuit evaluation.

Lazy Evaluation

# Lazy Evaluation

# Which message printed by expression below?
puts("Ini pesan yang tidak penting") && puts("INI PESAN YANG PENTING")

# What is the value of c?
a = 1
b = 2
c = a || b

Exercises (1)

# Complete the following skeleton

def fav_programming_language
  puts "What is your favorite programming language?"
  language = gets.chomp
  # your code here
  # ......

1. Favorite Programming Language

Write a method that prompt a user asking his/her favorite programming language. If user inputs with one of "Ruby", "Python", and "Perl", program will answer with the name of its founder. For instance, "Ruby is created by Yukihiro Matsumoto". If user input other programming languages, program will answer with, "Sorry, I don't know that programming language"

Exercises (2)

# will return 3

# will return 3

# will return 6

2. How Many Times Should I Go?

Djakarta XXI offers you a monthly subscription program. For a certain amount of monthly fee, you can watch movies as many times as you like. Write a method that receives two parameters "monthly_fee" and "individual_ticket", and return the minimum number of times you should go to movie theatre to make your subscription worth it. Build this method without using loop.

Exercises (3)

reverse_words("Hey fellow scholars") # returns "Hey wollef sralohcs" 
reverse_words("This is a test") # returns "This is a test" 
reverse_words("This is another test") # returns "This is rehtona test"

# Since we have not learned about basic data types and loop in Ruby
# you can follow this skeleton

def reverse_words(sentence)
  words = []
  sentence.split(" ").each do |word|
    # your code here
    # clue: 
    # 1. You can find the number of characters in a word using ".length" or ".size"
    # 2. You can reverse a string by using ".reverse"
    # 3. You can add element to an array using "<<"
  words.join(" ")

3. Reverse Words

Write a method that receives a sentence (String) and returns the same sentence but with reversed words for words that has five or more characters

Exercises (4-1)

4. Mix Fruit

Jumbo Juice makes a fresh juice out of fruits of your choice.Jumbo Juice charges $5 for regular fruits and $7 for special ones. Regular fruits are Banana, Orange, Apple, Lemon and Grapes. Special ones are Avocado, Strawberry and Mango. Others fruits that are not listed are also available upon request. Those extra special fruits cost $9 per each. There is no limit on how many fruits she/he picks.The price of a cup of juice is the mean of price of chosen fruits. In case of decimal number (ex. $5.99), output should be the nearest integer (use the standard rounding function of your language of choice).

Exercises (4-2)

mix_fruit(["banana","mango","avocado"]) # will resturn: 6
mix_fruit(["melon","Mango","kiwi"]) # will resturn: 8
mix_fruit(["watermelon","cherry","avocado"]) # will resturn: 8
mix_fruit(["watermelon","lime","tomato"]) # will resturn: 9
mix_fruit(["blackBerry","coconut","avocado"]) # will resturn: 8
mix_fruit(["waterMelon","mango"]) # will resturn: 8
mix_fruit(["watermelon","pEach"]) # will resturn: 9
mix_fruit(["watermelon","Orange","grapes"]) # will resturn: 6
mix_fruit(["watermelon"]) # will resturn: 9
mix_fruit(["BlACKbeRrY","cOcONuT","avoCaDo"]) # will resturn: 8

def mix_fruit(fruits)
  price = 0
  fruits.each do |fruit|
    # your code here
  # your code here
  # clue: use ".size" method to get the size of an array

Insinyur Online - Belajar Ruby - Bagian 2: Variables, Conditionals, dan Boolean Logic

By qblfrb

Insinyur Online - Belajar Ruby - Bagian 2: Variables, Conditionals, dan Boolean Logic

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