• Introduction to Javascript

  • Minimal

  • Insinyur Online - Belajar Ruby - Bagian 2: Variables, Conditionals, dan Boolean Logic

  • Array in Ruby - with Solution

  • Serverless Ruby with Google Cloud Run

  • Eventual Consistency

  • Istio Night

  • Infrastructure as Code dengan Terraform

  • TDD: Clean Code That Works

  • Refactoring

  • Eksperimen Basis Data Terdistribusi dengan CokcroachDB

  • Kubernetes Fundamentals

    Intro to Kubernetes talk for Jakarta Kubernetes Meetup, Jan 10th 2019

  • Kubernetes The Ruby Way

  • Book Discussion - Site Reliability Engineering Chapter 3 to 5

  • Introduction to Namespaces

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] Basic Controller Specs

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] Model Specs

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] Factories

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] Validation and Unit Testing

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] The Architecture of Rails Application

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 1

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] Introduction to Ruby on Rails

  • [Go-Jek x BNCC] - The Rails Doctrine

  • Clean Code

  • Introduction to Helm & Charts

  • Managing Oneself

  • Introduction to Kubernetes

  • Ruby In Depth - Review Test

  • Metaprogramming in Ruby

  • Collections in Ruby

  • Advanced Array in Ruby

  • Rails Pairing Project 1

  • Rails in Depth - Active Record Query Interface

  • Rails in Depth - Active Record Associations

  • Rails in Depth - Active Record

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 6

  • Solutions - The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 4

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 5

  • Solutions - The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 2

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 4

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 3

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 2, Part 2

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 2, Part 1

  • Basic Controller Specs

  • Factories

  • Model Specs

  • The Architecture of Rails Application

  • Validation and Unit Testing

  • The Simplified Go Food Web App - Iteration 1

  • The Rails Doctrine