Distributed Database Experiments with CokcroachDB

Start with Why

Why Distributed Database?

Distributed database is needed to answer at least three problems:

- Scalability

- Availability

- Reliability


To handle scale in terms of the size of data and the size of transactions.


To manage uptime as high as possible.


To keep maintain service in the case of faulty in the system.


Status Quo


Fully featured with transactions and indexes, but not scalable and fault-tolerant.



Massive horizontal scale, but sacrifice transactions and consistency.


Hosted Services

Vendor lock-in, mostly proprietary, difficult to verify features.

CockroachDB Goals

CockroachDB was designed with the following goals:

  • Ease of use
    Low-touch and highly automated for operators and simple to reason about for developers.
  • Consistency on massively scaled deployments
    Enabling distributed transactions with synchronous replication instead of eventual consistency.
  • Flexible deployment
    Work with all major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure), container orchestration tools (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Mesosphere), and on premise.
  • Support SQL
    Because it's a familiar tools to work with relational data for many developers.



In Mac OS, simply run brew:

brew install cockroach

For other platforms and operating systems, visit this page.

Local Cluster Setup

Start the first node:

cockroach start --insecure --listen-addr=localhost

Start two other nodes and join it to the first node:

cockroach start \
--insecure \
--store=node2 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26258 \
--http-addr=localhost:8081 \

cockroach start \
--insecure \
--store=node3 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26259 \
--http-addr=localhost:8082 \

Experiment 1:

Data Replication

Execute Sample Workload

Run command to generate sample workload in node 1:

cockroach workload init intro \

Verify data exists via CockroachDB SQL client:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257
SELECT * FROM intro.mytable WHERE (l % 2) = 0;

Verify Replication

Verify that sample workload is replicated to two other nodes:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26258
SELECT * FROM intro.mytable WHERE (l % 2) = 0;

cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26259
SELECT * FROM intro.mytable WHERE (l % 2) = 0;

Experiment 2:

Fault Tolerance

Simulate Node Failure

To simulate node failure, we will stop node 2 manually:

cockroach quit --insecure --host=localhost:26258

Execute Sample Workload

Run command to generate sample workload in node 1:

cockroach workload init startrek \

Verify sample workload replicated to node 3:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26259
SELECT * FROM startrek.eipsodes WHERE stardate > 5500;

Recover Node 2

To simulate node recovery, we re-run and rejoin node 2 to the cluster:

cockroach start \
--insecure \
--store=node2 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26258 \
--http-addr=localhost:8081 \

Verify Data Replication

Verify that data written when node 2 was down is now replicated to node 2 as well:

cockraoch sql --insecure --host=localhost:26258
SELECT * FROM startrek.episodes WHERE stardate > 5500;

Experiment 3:

Automatic Load Balancing

Execute Sample Workload

As usual, let's generate sample workload to node 1:

cockroach workload init tpcc \

Run Two More Nodes

Run and join two more nodes to the cluster:

cockroach start \
--insecure \
--store=scale-node4 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26260 \
--http-addr=localhost:8083 \

cockroach start \
--insecure \
--store=scale-node5 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26261 \
--http-addr=localhost:8084 \

Verify Automatic Load Balancing

See the number of replicas in new nodes catches up from the dashboard.

Under the Hood

Architectural Diagram

SQL Layer

The highest level of abstraction in the form of SQL API for developers. Provides familiar relational concepts such as schemas, tables and indexes using a derivative of the Postgres grammar with some modern touches.


Data sent to Cockroach DB cluster arrives as SQL statements. Internally, data is written to and read from the storage layer as key-value (KV) pairs. To handle this, the SQL layer converts SQL statements into a plan of KV operations, which it passes along to the transaction layer.

Transaction Layer (1)

To provide consistency, CockroachDB implements full support for ACID transaction semantics in the transaction layer. All statements are handled as transactions (auto commit mode).

Transaction Layer (2)

Phase 1

A transaction record stored in the range where the first write occurs, which includes the transaction's current state (which starts as PENDING, and ends as either COMMITTED or ABORTED).

Write intents for all of a transaction’s writes, which represent a provisional, uncommitted state.

If transaction not aborted, the transaction layer begins executing read operations. If a read only encounters standard MVCC values, everything is fine. If it encounters any write intents, the operation must be resolved as a transaction conflict.

Transaction Layer (3)

Phase 2

Checks the running transaction's record to see if it's been ABORTED; if it has, it restarts the transaction.

If the transaction passes these checks, it's moved to COMMITTED and responds with the transaction's success to the client.

Distribution Layer

CockroachDB stores data in a monolithic sorted map of key-value pairs. This key-space describes all of the data in cluster, as well as its location, and is divided into "ranges".

Ranges are contiguous chunks of the key-space, so that every key can always be found in a single range.

Replication Layer

CockroachDB users a consensus algorithm to require that a quorum of replicas agrees on any changes to a range before those changes are committed.

Because 3 is the smallest number that can achieve quorum (i.e., 2 out of 3), CockroachDB's high availability (known as multi-active availability) requires 3 nodes.

Storage Layer

Each CockroachDB node contains at least one store where the cockroach process reads and writes its data on disk.

This data is stored as key-value pairs on disk using RocksDB. Internally, each store contains three instance of RocksDB:

  • One for the Raft log
  • One for storing temporary distributed SQL data
  • One for all other data on the node

Thank You!

Eksperimen Basis Data Terdistribusi dengan CokcroachDB

By qblfrb

Eksperimen Basis Data Terdistribusi dengan CokcroachDB

  • 445