Introduction to Kubernetes

What you can expect

from this presentation

  • Understanding basic concepts of Container
  • Understanding basic concepts of Kubernetes
  • Seeing Kubernetes live in action

What you shouldn't expect from this presentation

  • Advanced concepts of Container
  • Advanced concepts of Kubernetes
  • Thorough guides on how to manage Kubernetes cluster

The Driving-a-Car Philosophy

It’s like learning to drive a car. In the beginning, you don’t really want to know what’s under the hood. You first want to learn how to drive it from point A to point B. Only after you learn how to do that do you become interested in how a car makes that possible. After all, knowing what’s under the hood may someday help you get the car moving again after it breaks down and leaves you stranded at the side of the road.

A Little Bit History

To grasp some context.

BC = Before Container

The Monolith

Monolithic vs Microservice (1)

- Tightly coupled

- Have to be developed, deployed, and managed as one entity

- Run as single OS processes

- Highly decoupled

- Each component can be developed, deployed, and managed independently

- Each component runs as independent process

Monolithic vs Microservice (2)

Microservice is Highly Scalable

But, as Uncle Ben Said

With great numbers of components comes great responsibility, Peter... 

Dependencies Madness...

Virtual Machine

Before containers went mainstream, we isolate components using Virtual Machine (VM). This way, each components can have their own dependencies satisfied without getting in the way of each other.

The problem with VM is that it takes a lot of hardware resources, therefore not ideal for microservice-based app with large number of services.

Docker to The Rescue!

How Docker made containers mainstream.

VM vs Container (1)

- Runs on own OS

- Runs its own system processes

- Runs on host OS

- Runs as isolated processes in host OS

VM vs Container (2)

VM vs Container (3)

But How is That Possible?

  1. Linux Namespaces
  2. Linux Control Groups

But Why Docker?

Docker was the first container system that made containers easily portable across different machines. It simplified the process of packaging up not only the application but also all its libraries and other dependencies, even the whole OS file system, into a simple, portable package that can be used to provision the application to any other machine running Docker.

Docker Components

Docker Hello World


docker run busybox echo "Hello World"


What Just Happened?

Something Less Trivial (1)

A simple NodeJs app:

const http = require('http');
const os = require('os');

console.log("Kubia server starting...");

var handler = function(request, response) {  
  console.log("Received request from " + request.connection.remoteAddress); 
  response.end("You've hit " + os.hostname() + "\n");

var www = http.createServer(handler);

Something Less Trivial (2)

A simple Dockerfile:

FROM node:7
ADD app.js /app.js
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "app.js"]

Build it:

docker build -t kubia .

Something Less Trivial (3)

Check for all the images:

docker images

Run the container image:

docker run --name kubia-container -p 8080:8080 -d kubia
docker ps

Check for all the running containers:

What Happened Just Now?

Take a Look Inside

Inspect the container:

docker inspect kubia-container

Get inside the container:

docker exec -it kubia-container bash
ps aux
ps aux | grep app.js

Outside of the container:

Push Image to Registry

Login to Docker Hub (if you haven't already):

docker login

Tag the image and push it:

docker tag kubia qblfrb/kubia
docker push qblfrb/kubia


is Greek for:

- pilot

- helmsman

- governor

Where Kubernetes Fits In

Kubernetes is a software system that allows you to easily deploy and manage containerized applications on top of it.

Kubernetes enables you to run your software applications on thousands of computer nodes as if all those nodes were a single, enormous computer.

Kubernetes can be thought of as an operating system for the cluster.

High Level Abstraction

Kubernetes Components

Kubernetes + Docker

Kubernetes Hello World

Before we continue, we need to have either a cloud cluster set up or a minikube installed. For this presentation we'll create a cluster in Google Cloud Platform. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a GCP account (we'll get $300 free credit!)
  2. Have API enabled for Kubernetes Engine


Create the cluster:

gcloud container clusters create kubia --num-nodes 3 --machine-type f1-micro

Verifying everything is ready:

kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe node gke-kubia-default-pool-84262666-7rsl

What Happened Just Now?

Deploy The App

Use `kubectl run` command:

kubectl run kubia --image=qblfrb/kubia --port=8080 --generator=run/v1

See the results:

kubectl get pods

What Happened Just Now?

Expose The App

Get the replication controller:

kubectl get replicationcontroller

Expose it:

kubectl expose rc kubia --type=LoadBalancer --name kubia-http

Get the service:

kubectl get services

Test it:


The Logical Part


A pod is a co-located group of containers and represents the basic building block in Kubernetes. The key thing about pods is that when a pod does contain multiple containers, all of them are always run on a single worker node—it never spans multiple worker nodes.

Replica Controller

A ReplicationController is a Kubernetes resource that ensures its pods are always kept running. If the pod disappears for any reason, such as in the event of a node disappearing from the cluster or because the pod was evicted from the node, the ReplicationController notices the missing pod and creates a replacement pod.


A Kubernetes Service is a resource you create to make a single, constant point of entry to a group of pods providing the same service. Each service has an IP address and port that never change while the service exists. Clients can open connections to that IP and port, and those connections are then routed to one of the pods backing that service. This way, clients of a service don’t need to know the location of individual pods providing the service, allowing those pods to be moved around the cluster at any time.

What's Next?

A Lot More to Learn!

Recommended Reading

  • Kubernetes in Action
  • Kubernetes by Example 

Introduction to Kubernetes

By qblfrb

Introduction to Kubernetes

  • 354