Istio Night

Thanks to Our Sponsors


7:09 pm - 7:12 pm: Traveloka - Welcome from Sponsor

7:13 pm - 7:20 pm: Iqbal Farabi - Update in Kubernetes/CNCF Community

7:20 pm - 7:50 pm: Mete (Google) - Istio 101

7:50pm - 8:05pm: John (Google) - Sponsored Talk from Google Cloud for Indonesian Startups

8:05pm - 8:35pm: Imre (Traveloka) - Running Istio in Production

8:35 pm - 9:00 pm: Hallway Track (free discussion) with speakers and attendees

Live Stream at Perkodi

Community Updates

Last Month in Kubernetes

  •  Local PV now in GA
  • PriorityClass is now in GA
  • Aggregator E2E Test now in conformance
  • Heptio is now part of VM Ware

Istio Night

By qblfrb

Istio Night

  • 341