
Origins and How to use it


Full Stack JS Developer




Created by Linux Torvalds in 2005


For his design criterion, he specified that patching should take no more than three seconds, and added three more points:

  • Take Concurrent Versions System (CVS) as an example of what not to do; if in doubt, make the exact opposite decision.
  • Support a distributed, BitKeeper-like workflow.
  • Include very strong safeguards against corruption, either accidental or malicious.


What is Git ?

Tools to manage version of codes


Lexical to know:

  • Tree -> Your repository
  • Branch -> One version of your code
  • Commit -> State of your code


For one tree, each branch will have many commits.

Git Illustration


In git, we have mostly two branches :


  • Master - Code used in production environment


  • Develop - Code used in pre-production / development environment


You can create others branches if you need

Origin Concept

When you work on git, you can add a remote server to push your codes. Many times is Github or Gitlab.


Your code hosted in your computer = Local

Your code hosted in Github/Gitlab Server = Origin







Git is a software.

Github, Gitlab, etc are Git Server providers.

Warning 2

Git don't required a server.


You can use git only for you without Github, etc.

Commands - Branch

Select a branch


You can select a branch by using this command


> git checkout my-branch

Commands - Branch

Create a branch


You can create a branch by using this command


> git checkout -b my-branch

Commands - Branch

Delete a branch


You can delete a branch by using this command


> git checkout -d my-branch

Commands - Branch (Origin)

Fetch all remote branches


> git fetch --all

Commands - Commits

1. Add files


You can add file to a commit by using this command


> git add --a (Add all files)

> git add myfile.txt (Add only one file)

Commands - Commits

2. Write commit message


Now you can add commit message :


> git commit -m "this is my commit message"

> git commit (Will open vim and you will add commit message)



Recommendation: Use Semantic Commit

Commands - Commits (Origin)

1. Fetch modification in remote


If you local branch is different with your origin branch, you need to sync your local codes :


> git pull (Will fetch commits in origin and added it to your local)

Commands - Commits (Origin)

(2.) Resolve conflicts


If your local modifications are in conflict with remote commits, you will need to resolve conflicts.


Tutorial by Github :

Commands - Commits (Origin)

3. Push your local commits to server


Now that you have created yout commit and you have sync commits with remote, you can push your commits :

> git push origin/my-remote-branch

Commands - Status

To check all modifications before commit :

> git status

Commands - History

If you want to see every commit done in your current branch, you can use:

> git log

Git Commands

Advanced part

Commands - Reset

If you have created some commit in local and you want to remove previous commit :

> git reset --hard COMMITHASH 



COMMITHASH : Hash given when you see git history (git log)

Commands - Reset (origin)

If you have done a revert in local branch, you need to force push to be sure that your local and your remote are sync :

> git push -f origin/my-branch

Commands - Revert commit

If you have created one commit and you want to revert it :

> git revert COMMITHASH 


COMMITHASH : Hash given when you see git history (git log)


Information :
When you do a revert, the initial commit will stay in history and a new commit will be added to revert your changes.


Commands - Rebase commits

If you have push some commits in master, you have push some other commits in develop, you want to sync develop with master.

> git checkout master

   git pull

   git checkout develop

   git rebase master

Commands - Squash commits

If you have created multiple commit, and you want to merge them to one commit you can squash it :

1 - type git rebase -i COMMIT HASH OR git rebase -i HEAD~NB

 (NB is equal of commits number, ex: 3 last commit -> HEAD~3)

2 - You see all your commits in VIM

3- Edit

  • Keep pick at the beginning of the first commit you want to keep

  • Replace pick by f (or type :%s/pick/f and type enter) at the beginning of the commits you want to squash

  • type Echap (to exit insert mode) then :wq to exit VIM

Commands - Diffs

If you want to apply your commit later, you can create a patch file.


> git diff from-commit to-commit > output-file




> git apply output-file

Commands - Clean delete branches

Add git gone command :


git config --global alias.gone "! git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | awk '\$2 == \"[gone]\" {print \$1}' | xargs -r git branch -D"


Type in your repo :

- git gone

Bonus: Git Flow

Git flow is a tools for git to add some conventions in naming branch and others things.


More informations:

Git - Origins and How to use it

By Quentin LAFFONT

Git - Origins and How to use it

Git - Origins and How to use it

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