
Quick Recap

From class 1




// + performs string or number addition

"hello" + 5 // hello5

// Rest of arithmetic operators perform number type casting

5 / '5' // 1
"hello" - 4 // NaN

// Unary + operator transforms value to number

+'-3' // -3

// The unary - operator transforms the value to number
// and performs a negation operation

-'3' // -3

[] + [] // ''    [].toString()
[] - [] // 0     Number([])




// Unary ! negates the boolean representation of the value

!false // true
!"hello" // false

// Falsey values are 
NaN, undefined, 0, false, '', null

// ++ operator increments the value by one
var x = 5

var y = ++x // Increments and return the value
var z = y++ // Returns and increments the value

// -- operator decrements the value by one




// typeof returns the type of the variable

typeof 2  // returns 'number'
typeof true // returns 'boolean'

// delete removes a property from an object

var a = { field: 'value' }

delete a.field // true



// == performs a unestrict comparission

'5' == 5 // true

// === performs a strict comparission

'6' === 6 // false


spread operator

// can be used as an argument wherever 
// array arguments are expected

const a = [1, 2, 3]

const b = [5, ...a, -3 ]

// Also in functions

function doSomething(first, {}



spread operator

// can be used as any pair
// key-value arguments

const a = {
  property: 'one'

const b = {
 other: 'test'


spread operator

// can be destructured

const a = [1,2,3]
const [first,] = a

const c = {
  thing: 'test',
  address: {
    street: 'abc'

const {address, ...obj} = c

Closures & Scope

var thing = 5

function makeSumator(a) {
  var x = 3;
  return function(b) {
    return b + x + a

const sumatorThree = makeSumator(3)
const sumatorSeven = makeSumator(7)

sumatorThree(5) // 5 + 3 + 3
sumatorThree(6) // 6 + 3 + 3

The nature of types

2 built-in types

There are two built-in types in JS

Primitive types (boolean, number, string, null*, undefined*).

Reference types - Object, and the types that inherit from it. Fundamentals like Function and Error. Arrays. Regex. Date... Reference versions of primitives Number, Boolean, String.

The reference values are all objects

and primitive values are "autoboxed". Wrapped in a temporary reference object

var a = 'test'


var a = new Number(3)
var b = new Number(3)

a == b

3 == 3


'hello world'

`hello ${who}`

Strings can be created in different ways


typeof "hello" // string
typeof 'hello' // string

Template literals


var world = 'world'

var text = `hello


Multiline strings the old way

var text = "this is a line \n" +
" this is another line"

The String global object is a constructor for strings, or a sequence of characters.

var a = new String('test')

typeof a // 'object'

var b = new String('test')

a == b // false because they are different objects

a == 'test' // true

a.valueOf() // 'test'
var c = {
  valueOf: function() {
     return 'test'

c == 'test'

String methods

var a = 'test'

a.charAt(0) // 't'

a.indexOf('est') // 1

a.length // 4

a.toUpperCase() // 'TEST'

'TEST'.toLowerCase() // test

'TEST'.split('') // ['T', 'E', 'S', 'T']

Operators, numbers && strings


The nature of functions

Functions are "subprograms" that can be called.
They have arguments, a name , a function body and return a value

function doSomething(arg, arg2) {
  console.log(arg, arg2)

Function expressions

var myFunction = function() { /* do something * /}

Function expressions can have a named or anonymous function


They are not hoisted

Can be used for recurssion

var factorial = function fac(n) {
    return n < 2 ? 1 : n * fac(n - 1); 


Every function is a `Function` object
It inherints Function.prototype

function a() {}

// Function.prototype.length
a.length // 0

// // 'a'

// Function.prototype.apply()
// Function.prototype.bind()

Understanding this

function f1() {
   return this

// In a browser:
f1() === window;

// In Node:
f1() === global;

the value of `this` is determined by how a function is called

strict mode

function f1() {
   'use strict';
   return this

f1() // undefined

window.f1() // window

in strict mode, unless calling the method from an object, the value of this remains undefined


arrow functions retain the context of the enclosing scope


 Normal functions in JavaScript bind their own this value, however the this value used in arrow functions is actually fetched lexically from the scope it sits inside. It has no this, so when you use this you’re talking to the outer scope.


function FooCtrl (FooService) { = 'Hello';
  .doSomething((response) => = response);


var obj = {
  bar: function() {
    var x = function() {
      return this
    return x;

var c =

c() // window

arrow functions retain the context of the enclosing scope


var obj = {
  bar: function() {
    var x = (() => this);
    return x;

var c =

c() // obj

arrow functions retain the context of the enclosing scope

in object methods

var obj = {
  name: 'pepe',
  getName: function() {

when called in object methods, this points to the object

the New keyword

function Person(name) { = name

const person = new Person('juan') // 'juan'

when using the "new" keyword, this gets bound to the new instance that is being created

changing this

function setName(name) { = name

var person = {
  name: 'peter'
}, 'parker')

the value of `this` is determined by how a function is called

It can be set during execution and can be different each time the function is called

function setName(name) { = name

var person = {}, 'pedro')


function setData(name, surname) { = name
  this.surname = surname

var person = {}

setData.apply(person, ['pedro', 'blanco'])

c for commas
a for array


function setData(name, surname) { = name
  this.surname = surname

var person = {}

const setPeter = setData.bind(person, 'peter')

setPeter('not parker')

Creates a new function bound to a context and some arguments


create a setter function that receives one argument and sets the value to this.

Test calling it from different objects


repeat the previous exercise but use .call and .apply to send various arguments to the function

function arguments

`arguments` is a reserved keyword that stands for an "array like" object (but not array) that represents the call arguments of the function

Function.prototype.apply() arguments

function setNameAndSurname(name, surname) { = name
  this.surname = surname

var person = {
  setData: function setData() {
    setNameAndSurname.apply(this, arguments)

person.setData('hey', 'hello')

ES2015 (ES6) arguments

function setName(name, surname = 'pepe') { = name
  this.surname = surname


Create 2 functions that receives multiple arguments.
Call one function from the other using apply, and "arguments" reserved keyword


With the previous functions. Bind the first to a fixed list of arguments

Imperative Vs Functional


function simpleJoin(stringArray) {
 var accumulator = ‘’
 for (var i=0, l=stringArray.length; i < l; i++) {
   accumulator = accumulator + stringArray[i]
 return accumulator


function simpleJoin(stringArray, acc = '') {
  if(stringArray.length === 0) {
    return acc

  const [first,] = stringArray

  return simpleJoin(rest, acc + first)

Array utilities

var newCars = => {
  return {
    clean: true


var newCars = cars.filter(c => c.clean === true)


var newCar = cars.find(c => === 'Volvo FTurbo mix')


var carsWeight = cars
  .reduce((acc, next) => acc + next.weight, 0)

Some functional exercises

1 - Map over a list of numbers a return the square value


// [ 1, 4, 9 ]

2 - Reduce the values of one array to get it's sum


// 6

3 - Do a  function that receives an array of arrays as arguments. Return the reduced value of the sum of each

sumList([1,2,3,4], [4, 54, 212, 213], [123,2312, 231])

// 3160


JavaScript Modules


Modules divide programs into clusters of code that, by some criterion, belong together and may share an interface.

More on Modules

Why modules?

JavaScript shares the global scope. Namespace pollution can happen a lot of code uses global variables

Why modules?

We can separate pieces of code that share a similar purpose o functionality.


This is more obvious in the case of libraries (or modules)

functions can be used to create the isolated module

var names = ["Sunday", "Monday",
            "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
             "Thursday", "Friday",
function dayName(number) {
  return names[number];

dayName(0) // "Sunday"

functions are the only thing that will create a new scope, so functions are needed to create a module

var dayName = function() {
  var names = ["Sunday", "Monday", 
               "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
               "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
  return function(number) {
    return names[number];

dayName(0) // "Sunday"

Objects as interfaces

var weekDay = function() {
  var names = ["Sunday", "Monday", 
               "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
               "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
  return {
    name: function(number) { return names[number]; },
    number: function(name) { return names.indexOf(name); }

Allows to expose certain methods or properties and leave the rest hidden from the outside world

Objects as interfaces

(function(exports) {
  var names = ["Sunday", "Monday", 
               "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
               "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; = function(number) {
    return names[number];

  exports.number = function(name) {
    return names.indexOf(name);
})(this.weekDay = {});

For larger modules we can use another pattern

Modules internal state

var counterModule = (function() {
  let counter = 0;

  const increment = () => ++counter;
  const decrement = () => --counter;
  return {

Modules can have it's internal state and manage it without conflicting with the global state

Standard module patterns

CommonJS, AMD & ES6 Modules


Asynchronous Module Definition

    ['math', 'graph'], 
    function ( math, graph ) {

        return {
            plot: function(x, y){
                return graph.drawPie(math.randomGrid(x,y));

Defined for the browser, with an asynchronous behaviour in mind


function doSomething() {
  // Do

function doAnother() {
  // Do

module.exports = {
  doSomething: doSomething,
  doAnother: doAnother


var myModule = require('./myModule')


Can this be used in the browser?


export const list = [1, 2, 3]

export const doSomething = (cb) =>

export function doAnother (cb) {
  return list.filter(cb)

export default function() {

With ES6 JavaScript for the first time has a built-in module system.
Each file is a module


import * as myModule from './mymodule'

import { doSomething, doAnother } from './mymodule'

import mything from './anothermodule'

Importing modules



0 - Start a new project

$> mkdir usersManagementApplication
$> cd usersManagementApplication
$> npm init
// create main.js
// launch with node main.js

1 - Create a users module

Use CommonJS for native node JS support.

  1. The module holds the internal state of users.
  2. It exports a "find" method that helps you find a user by name
  3. It exports a "update" method that updates the value of the user in the internal state
  4. It exports a "get" method that returns the list of users

2 - Add ES6 support to your project

npm install --save-dev babel-{core,loader,preset-es2015-native-modules} webpack

3 -Push your code to your preferred version control system.

We are going to use it later

(Github, Gitlab, bitbucket, dropbox? zip? email to a friend? print in paper?)


what is an object?

An object is a "box" that provides an interface for abstracting logic and hiding complexity.

objects in JS 

They have methods.

var beers = {
  amount: 50,
  drinkBeer: function() { --this.amount },
  buyBeer: function() { ++this.amount }

Methods are properties that hold a function value

Sharing methods and unique context

function collide(wall) {
  console.log(`the person ${}
    collided with the ${wall}`)

const personOne = {
  name : 'petorski',
  collide: collide

const personTwo = {
  name : 'markantu',
  collide: collide

personOne.collide('dirty ass')

personTwo.collide('green wall of doom')


Almost all objects have a prototype that they use for inheriting methods and properties

var a = {}


we call JavaScript a prototypal inheritance language

The prototypal inheritance forms a tree shaped structure.

Since everything "inherits" from Object.prototype

different branches


Functions derive from Function.prototype
Arrays from Array.prototype

Normal objects from Object.prototype


Object constructors

As we have seen we can create new instances of objects with function constructors

function Engine() {
  this.started = false

function Car(model) {
   this.model = model
   this.engine = new Engine()

var tesla = new Car('tesla')

constructors prototype

we can define the prototype of the object constructors

Car.prototype.startEngine = function() {
  this.engine.started = true

Car.prototype.stopEngine = function() {
  this.engine.started = false

var tesla = new Car('tesla')

constructors prototype

the prototype property will be the prototype of instances created through it but is not its own prototype.


{startEngine: ƒ, stopEngine: ƒ, constructor: ƒ}

ƒ () { [native code] }

Constructors owns prototype is the Function one

constructors prototype

Changing a constructors prototype is going to change all the instances at the same time

// tesla

Car.prototype.color = 'red'

tesla.color // red

Prototypes are objects, they are shared by all the instances by reference.

Be carefull

Accessing objects methods and properties

As we said, the prototype forms a tree of "inheritance", and for knowing which properties has an object, JavaScript does this in this way:

1 - It checks the object methods
2 - It checks it's prototype methods
3 - It checks it's prototype's prototype methods
... repeat

For performance, avoid long prototype chains

We can "extend" the language

Mutating Object.prototype can give us some good tools

Object.prototype.jotica = function() {
  console.log('La virgen del pilar diceeeeee')

var a = {}



Mutate Array.prototype to:

Create a method that returns the first element of the array


Create a method that returns the last element of the array

mutating is slow


Access to prototype is fast, and often objects are predictable. In that case the JIT compiler stores the instructions to reuse them.


mutating is slow


But when we mutate a prototype, all the objects that used that prototype have to be checked again by the JIT compiler.

Also... all the code the object flows through has to be re-checked, because the optimization relies in the form of the prototypes


Super exercise


JavaScript Avanzado - Dia 2

By rafinskipg

JavaScript Avanzado - Dia 2

Segunda clase del curso de javascript avanzado

  • 516