Intel Edison XDK Setup

Rex St. John

Copy the USB stick

(or click the below links to download)

  • Form groups by OS
  • Default username is "root" on Edison
  • Down arrow means "Drill into" topic
  • Use the deck and videos at your speed
  • Downloads are on USB & S3

Important notes


  • Assemble Edison
  • Flash Edison
  • Configure Edison
  • MRAA Setup

assemble your edison

Snap your Edison to the breakout board (use two fingers), attach the Arduino shield, plug in both Micro-USB cables

We recommend installing the Arduino Breakout shield *before* powering!


  • Assemble Edison
  • Flash Edison
  • Configure Edison
  • MRAA Setup

flashing your edison

Follow this guide to flash your Edison using Flash Tool Lite. Windows users must also install the USB drivers.

flashing your edison

Mac / Linux users select "CDC" from the drop down, Windows users use "RNDIS." Toggle the power switch when the pop up appears.


  • Assemble Edison
  • Flash Edison
  • Configure Edison
  • MRAA Setup


Serial connections

Download PuTTy

Use "screen" utility

Use "screen" utility

Press "Down" to view videos showing how to establish serial connections on each OS.

serial connection on osx

Open terminal, type 'screen /dev/cu.usbs' then hit Tab to autocomplete, add '115200 -L' and hit Enter twice at blank screen

serial connection on Linux

$ sudo apt-get install screen
$ sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Install 'screen,' use "/dev/ttyUSB0 115200" and hit Enter twice at blank screen

serial connection on Windows

Download PuTTy, select 'serial,' set baud rate to 115200, use Device Manager to find your COM port, hit Enter twice at blank screen

Note: Select the COM port that isn't the virtual COM port

Run "configure edison"

$ configure_edison --setup

Initiate a Serial connection, use default login "root"

Name your Edison a unique name, set a password, get on the Wi-Fi, use ping to test internet status!


  • Assemble Edison
  • Flash Edison
  • Configure Edison
  • MRAA Setup

Run the blink sketch

We will be blinking the Pin 13 LED shown above using Intel XDK IoT Edition and MRAA.

$ echo "src mraa-upm" > /etc/opkg/mraa-upm.conf
$ opkg update
$ opkg upgrade

Update Libmraa

Open a serial connection to your Edison and run these commands in the shell.

XDK Blink

$ wpa_cli status

Record your edison ip

Open a serial connection to your Edison and run this command in the shell. Write down your IP address.

Install XDK IoT Edition

Install  Intel XDK for Mac, Linux, Windows and create an account. You will need to use a *strong* password 8+ chars, one letter, one number, one special character!

Create project

Create a new blink project from the provided template in Intel XDK.

Connect Edison

Connect to your Edison, update the XDK Daemon, deploy the sketch.

Install the XDK Daemon when prompted

Alternate deploy process

deploy code

  1. Open FileZilla
  2. Enter Edison IP
  3. Use "root" as user
  4. Use your PW
  5. Port 22
  6. Quickconnect
  7. Drag & drop!

FileZilla is an easy way to get code over to your Edison once it is online

npm init

$ mkdir code
$ cd code
$ npm init
$ name: (code) demo
$ version: (1.0.0) 1.0.0
$ description: blink
$ entry point: blink.js
$ test command: 
$ git repository: 
$ keywords: 
$ license: (ISC) 
var mraa = require('mraa');
var myOnboardLed = new mraa.Gpio(13); 
var ledState = true;

function periodicActivity()
  ledState = !ledState;
  "name": "OnboardLEDBlink",
  "description": "",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "main": "blink.js",
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=0.10.0"
  "dependencies": {



Basic project

Edit your project using your IDE of choice!

$ cat package.json
$ touch blink.js
$ open blink.js 

running the code

$ npm install
$ node index.js

Run the above command in your terminal to run the blink example

Intel XDK + Intel Edison + MRAA Setup

By Rex St. John

Intel XDK + Intel Edison + MRAA Setup

How to setup Intel Edison with XDK IoT Edition for Windows, Mac and Linux

  • 12,057