Trend: Design Thinking

Design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P Index by 219% over 10 years

Companies that foster creativity enjoy 1.5x greater market share

Diversity, Inclusion & Unconscious Bias

AI & humans blended throughout the customer journey

Although Einstein and AI were everywhere at Dreamforce, preaching the possibilities of machine-learning and a bot-filled future, humanitarian messages rang just as loud and clear across the campground.

  • By 2022, 72% of customer interactions will involve an emerging technology such as machine-learning applications, chatbots or mobile messaging, up from 11% in 2017.
  • By 2021, 15 percent of all customer service interactions will be completely handled by AI, an increase of 400% from 2017.
  • By 2020, AI will disrupt the jobs of one million phone-based customer service agents

but then again...

...on the customer side, human interaction isn't going anywhere. It hasn't been replaced. It's not about getting them not to call or replacing humans with self help.


  • 60% try self service and fail
  • 75% continue their interaction with a phone call
  • 83% prefer dealing with human beings over digital channels

With automatic analysis of voice call content you can rapidly action the powerful, hidden insights from every call.

Voice Analytics

Agents should have real time info

Every rep has the answer...


By Rosie Warfield


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