CSS SelectorS
- *
- #id
- element (div, span)
- element > element
- [attribute=value]
- :focus
- See this link for more:
- http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp
HOW do selectoRs work?
- CSS rules are evaluated from right to left
- body div#content p
- Delta between best and worst case selectors run time is 50 ms
- Consider, but don't get too bogged down in selector performance
- http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2009/03/10/performance-impact-of-css-selectors/
CSS Specificity
- Specificity determines which rules are applied by the browser
- Specificity hierarchy (most specific -> least)
- Inline
- IDs
- Classes, attributes, psuedo classes
- Element and psuedo-elements
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WhiCH Style Wins?

- Determines how/if an element is displayed
- display: inline
- Element appears on single line (no line break)
- <span> is generic inline element
- display: block
- Element has line breaks before and after
- Can set box model properties
- <div> is generic inline element
- display: inline-block
- Element appears on single line
- Can set box model properties
BOX Model
- When you set the width and height properties, these apply to the content only!
- To change this, you need to modify box-sizing CSS property
- box-sizing: border-box
- Determines where is an element is located on a page
- First set the position property, and then set top, right, bottom left properties to specify position
POsition TYPES
- static (default):
- positioned in flow of document
- Not affected by top, right, bottom, left
- fixed
- positioned relative to browser window
- commonly used for setting website header
- relative
- Relative to its normal position
- Does nothing unless you specify top, right, bottom, left
- Space still reserved in flow
- absolute
- positioned absolutely within first non-static ancestor
POsition Technique
- position: relative elements are typically used as containers for absolutely positioned elements
Coming soon: Sticky
- New experimental position value called sticky
- Allows you to have an element be position relatively until a certain threshold is reached, at which point it becomes fixed
- Example: http://codepen.io/SitePoint/pen/piFxy
- Currently not available in most browsers, but there are tons of polyfills available
CSS Precompilers
- SASS (Ruby)
- LESS (Node)
Style Guides/Philosophies
- Bottom line: Find a set of practices that work best for your use-case/project scale and clearly define them.

Common Best practices
- Always use classes (instead of ids) for applying styles
- IDs easily lead to specificity issues that become difficult to debug!
- Don't use element selectors!
- .my-element > span
- You could end of having multiple spans within a container that represent different entities
Common best practices
Use dashes for class naming and try to use name spacing over nesting


Try to only use nesting when adding psuedo classes (ex. :hover) or state classes (.selected)
- Why? Excessive nesting becomes a nightmare to maintain and incredible difficult to read!
- When adding styles to a selector, you should have some sort of consistent organization of those styles such that they can be easily visually parsed
Common Best Practices

- Lets look through some code from our very own S3 to see if we can spot some bad practices:
- https://github.com/socialtables/S3/blob/master/app.socialtables.com/less/floorplanner/spaces.less
- https://github.com/socialtables/S3/blob/master/app.socialtables.com/less/events/events.less
- https://github.com/socialtables/S3/blob/master/app.socialtables.com/less/floorplanner/base.less
- Set of rules that is used to undo the default styles applied by browser to HTML elements
- Why?
- Allows us to establish a consistent baseline before applying styles
- Prevents conflicts with unexpected browser default styles
- Popular resets:
Eric Meyer’s “Reset CSS” 2.0
- HTML5 Doctor CSS Reset
- Yahoo! (YUI 3) Reset CSS
- Universal Selector '*' Reset
Z-Index Management
- Currently, we have a big problem in S3 where our z-index properties have no relation to one another
- Common technique for handling this is to use LESS lists or SASS arrays, and define the stacking order in the array
- Then you use a mixin or index method to grab the index of the element from the array/list
Z-Index Management

Z-Index Management
Compiles to:

- With the rise of web-components and component-based UIs such as React, there is increasing support for making all styles inline
- Why?
- Components are much more re-usable
- All code for a component (JS logic, styling) can be found in a single file
- Lets chat about this! What are your thoughts about this?
- http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/06/12/sassy-z-index-management-for-complex-layouts/
- https://smacss.com/
- https://github.com/giakki/uncss
- https://github.com/necolas/idiomatic-css
- https://github.com/lewattman/sass-conventions#file-structure
- http://csswizardry.com/2013/01/mindbemding-getting-your-head-round-bem-syntax/
Let's Talk
- Should we create a Social Tables Style Guide?
- What would you like to see included in it?
- Should we have a module for useful LESS mixins?
- z-index management
- reset file
- Any other questions/comments/thoughts?!?
By Rohit Kalkur
Have you ever wanted to embed code snippets and resorted to using screenshots instead? Embedding them is actually a lot easier than you might think!
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