Media Focus

"We started MassVenture with a simple idea: Connecting people through technology to invest directly in high return real estate project cutting out the middlemen..."

Ideas on Format

The purpose of the podcast:

Inform the public of the industry as it is

Inform the public of what you offer to change the industry

Connect the public with solutions through our business model

Open dialog with the public about their impression of what we do

Ideas on Format

Production Considerations:

  • Monthly; 15 - 30 minutes
  • Featuring segments with company updates
  • Can compile other public facing discussions such as Facebook Live, Google Hangouts, etc.

Ideas on Format

Production Considerations:

  • 0-2 minutes: Introduce the topic of the day
  • 3-5 minutes: Update the audience of company occurrences
  • 6-10 minutes: Revisit topic of the day with detailed explanation
  • 11-15 minutes: Interviews with clients, testimonial or interviews about topic


Ideas on Format

Production Considerations:

  • Develop a schedule that allows the recording of one quarter in about an hour/ hour and a half session
  • Release on the website including update posts, links and additional graphic materials 


MassVenture offers a business model that lends itself to further explanation. From how properties are selected, to property development and long term growth strategies.  

We structure an entry with an introduction to the topic, chapter markers and links to learning materials.



Mass Venture Podcast

By roybot06

Mass Venture Podcast

MassVenture offer everyone the opportunity to invest and take equity in their communities. This presentation lists considerations and direction for a monthly podcast discussing this incredible business.

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