Media Focus

Our message is inclusiveness and responsiveness to an under served fandom. Timely messaging is key to ensure everyone feels their experience at Morphinominal is fun and cohesive.


After analysis, and your survey here are some clear and present issues on the horizon:

Morphinominal Expo is during San Japan Weekend

Morphinominal Expo is not Saban sanctioned, meaning national traction will be difficult

Only two months leading up to the event

No traditional media impressions, as well as weak visibility online

No press kit, media guidelines, or sponsor kit/deck

Developing Media Presence

Great traction so far, however:

  • Over the next two months, presence in the community outside of Texas with appearances on podcasts
  • Appearances on local media, development of press release
  • Day of film and photography are crucial for later online content
  • Merchandising serves as great place to start, but wary of lack of Saban blessing could lead to complicated rights battles

Developing Sponsor Kit


  • Although your venue allows for the capacity of 200 vendors, you should not base your price points on the hope you'll fill 200 spaces
  • Develop an overall budget featuring
    • Costs for merchandising, print materials and per diems
    • Cost of day of accommodations such as backdrops for photography, water and drinks for volunteers
    • Cost web platforms (website, social media ads, etc.)
  • Get a grand total, and scale it between 50, 100, 150 and 200 spaces
  • You're not only selling the space, you're selling the presentation of the entire event including all the promotion, merchandising and advertisement


Morphinominal Expo offers a chance for fans no matter where they are in their journey in the fandom, a place to interact with Power Rangers. Developing a cohesive media package will make a better case for your presentation to Saban as well as prospective sponsors.



Morphinominal Expo

By roybot06

Morphinominal Expo

Developing a comprehensive plan for the long term success of this event.

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