The Full Stack and You

What is the "Full Stack"?

A method of software development utilizing work with databases, servers, systems engineering, and client work.


What you saw in the last slide sounded like techno babble, let's break that down. 

Database: Refers to where your data is stored while your software performs a task

Servers: Refers to how your data is handled while your software performs a task

Systems Engineering: Refers to the actions that need to happen in your program for desired output

Client: Refers to what your users experience when using your software

The Internet as a Neighborhood

Web Stack Is A House

Web Stack: is the collection of software required for Web development. 

A familiar model of the web stack is LAMP:

  • Linux is the Operating System
  • Apache is the Server
  • MySQL is the Database
  • PHP is the Object oriented language

Our House is Built on JavaScript

JavaScript: is a scripting language that occurs on the Client's side, making your web site interactive.

Using the LAMP model for comparison:

  • Your Client's Operating System is your website's Operating System
  • Node.JS as the Server
  • MongoDB in place of MySQL
  • JSON as the Object Oriented language

Every architect must start somewhere

We'll start with automation

Our House

The structure of all houses on the internet is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).

JavaScript in it's infancy only handled "Events", or for this analogy home automation, things that occur when your user does anything on your page.

Your First JavaScript Project


In the body tag of this HTML file, we see the script tag. This is what initializes our JavaScript in this document.

<head> <title> My First JavaScript Project</title>

<script>  document.write("Hello World!"); //Every statement ends in a semicolon </script>



//  or /* ... */

These are ways of indicating comments. Comments DO NOT get executed alongside code. They help you figure out what your code is doing or why it is there. 


Methods are the actions that can be performed on objects

In our code example above, "write" is a method.


Objects are every variable and thing in your script that is not an action.

<script> document.write ("Hello World!");
//The part with "document" in document.write is an object referring this HTML document

How You'll Normally See It

You are not limited to leaving the JavaScript in your HTML document.

Using the src attribute in your <script> tag, you can remotely call a .js extension file (.js = JavaScript)

Now let's build a house

I mean website.

The Full Stack and You

By roybot06

The Full Stack and You

Test teach for SCI's JavaScript Full Stack Development Course

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