• Founded in 2016
  • Sustained investment in robotics, ML, and simulation





  • RSS 2023: Diffusion Policy
  • 2024: ML division + 1/2 of robotics \(\Rightarrow\) new LBM division
  • Last month: New partnership with Boston Dynamics
  • Stable long-term investment with robotics leadership
    • help Toyota become an AI company
    • invent and prove new capabilities that can (eventually) produce entirely new business
  • Great people, great culture
  • Open-source, open publications
  • Very strong university collaborations
  • Very strong in ML + robotics + simulation
  • LBM mission:

Why                     ?

Fundamental, open, basic research on the new science of learning language-conditioned visuomotor policies at scale.

                               simulation for manipulation

(Establishing faith in)

CoRL24 industry panel

By russtedrake

CoRL24 industry panel

  • 142