Humanoids and quadrupeds

MIT 6.832: Underactuated Robotics

Spring 2022, Lecture 18

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Image credit: Boston Dynamics


Footsteps add a combinatorial aspect to the planning problem:

  • Left foot or right foot?

  • Cinderblock A or block B?

Explicitly address this combinatorial structure with MIP (specifically MICP)


Dynamic planning through contact

Example: "Footstep planning" with \(x_{n+1}=Ax_n + Bu_n\)

Previous best formulations New formulation
Lower Bound
(from convex relaxation)
7% of MICP 80% of MICP

Lecture 18: Humanoids and quadrupeds

By russtedrake

Lecture 18: Humanoids and quadrupeds

MIT Underactuated Robotics Spring 2021

  • 990