How to Become a Published Author

Go to

Log in with first letter of first name last name


your password is Student1234

Now, go to

and click the red NEW button

And then select doc

Click in the upper left screen where it says Untitled document

Change the name of your document



In the upper right corner of your screen, click your name and then select sign out



Now log back in, get to Google Drive, make a new Google Doc, and change the name.


2 minutes

Now, write "This is the title of my paper" on the first line.


Then write, "This is my first sentence" on the second line.

Now click and drag over the text on the first line so it's highlighted

Then, in the menu up top, select where it says normal text and change it to Title.

When writing a paper, the way the paper looks is called its "formatting"


For example, to correctly format a document, the text in the body should not be larger than the title.


  1. Make the title Center
  2. Make the font size (size of the letters) in the first sentence slightly bigger
  3. Make a bullet point list
  4. Add a link
  5. Add a comment

Intro to Google Docs

By Ryan York

Intro to Google Docs

  • 1,091