Are Computers Smart?

Take 10 seconds and think of your favorite video game or website

Every video game, website, animation, they were all made by people

People who write computer code are called computer programmers

Since computers are not smart, we have to give really clear directions.

Everyone Raise your Hand

Are we all doing the exact same thing?

When something isn't clear we say it's ambiguous.


Why is "Raise your Hand" Ambiguous?

Clear Instructions are called Explicit Instructions.


Can someone give an explicit instruction to raise our hand?

Clear Instructions are called Explicit Instructions.


Can someone give an explicit instruction to raise our hand?

Walk to the door

You knew to take ___ steps forward, move around the desk, and turn, and then walk ___ more steps because you are smart.

Anything we want a computer to do, we have to tell it every little step. We can just say "walk to the door"

Open your computer, you may need to unlock it

You need to open a browser:



If you have to

Type in the url bar

Then click on hour of code.

Watch the video and follow instructions

Then click on hour of code.

Storytelling Lesson 1

By Ryan York

Storytelling Lesson 1

  • 1,312