Sajeetharan Sinnathurai
With over 13 years of experience in the IT industry, Sajeetharan is a Cloud Solution Architect, an enthusiast in Cloud and Opensource.He currently works at Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager in the CosmosDB team
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WCF services
Material Design
Databases(Couchbase,ElasticSearch,Casendra,MongoDB etc)
Newest version of HTML
Open source
Independent of the devices
New tools and elements
New Markup Elements
<header>, <nav>, <aside>, <footer>
New Media Elements
<Audio>, <video>, <source>, <embed>.
The Canvas Element
<canvas> , <datalist>
New Input Type Attribute
Values search, url, email, datetime, color, number…
Contain embedded video and audio without using flash player
Capable of handling inaccurate syntax
New tags and new features like local storage are enhanced.
Cannot embed video or audio directly and makes use of flash player for it.
Cannot handle inaccurate syntax
Local storage is not possible
For Angular:
Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices.
What is Go?
• open source
• concurrent
• garbage-collected
• efficient
• scalable
• simple
• fun
• boring (to some)
•REST API for developers to manipulate data using CRUD operations.
•Integrates with multiple types of databases (Key Value, Document, Big Table, and Relational).
•Can be configured use various databases.
•Ability to replicate data maintaining the atomic property.
•In addition to the REST interface there’s a Golang API for Golang developers.
"My code works in my environment but does not work in production."
Docker helps solve this problem.
In simple words Node.js is ‘server-side JavaScript’.
Node.js is a high-performance network applications framework, well optimized for high concurrent environments.
In ‘Node.js’ , ‘.js’ doesn’t mean that its solely written JavaScript. It is 40% JS and 60% C++.
From the official site:
‘Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs’ - (from!)
Waterfall model
Agile-scrum model
Spiral model
Rapid application model
Chicken and the pig story
Scrum is an framework in agile that is basically used in software development for better results.
Teams manage their own workload.
They organize themselves around clear goals and constraints.
It is a span of 2-4 weeks to finish a part of project.
Product backlog:-
The product backlog is an priority ordered list of requirements.
Sprint planning meeting:-
The scrum master plans the sprints and gives the tasks to the teams.
Sprint backlogs:-
The list of tasks that are to be completed during the sprint.
Stand up meeting:-
In this meet the team reports about
What they did?
What they are going to do?
This document is studied clearly by every team member
before starting of the project.
Code reuse is the practice of using the same segment of code in multiple applications.
Reusing code saves programming time, which reduces costs.
Code reuse is promoted through
Comments are like describing a part of code what it does.
It is important to use comments while programming.
When a coder replaces with a new coder, the new coder must easily understand the code.
This test is done at the end of the program.
whether the code runs properly or not.
It is to maintain the source code in the central server.
By this any coder can access the code.
We can even keep a track on history of modifications.
Comparison of different versions can be done so that we will have an idea of where the code has been modified.
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By Sajeetharan Sinnathurai
With over 13 years of experience in the IT industry, Sajeetharan is a Cloud Solution Architect, an enthusiast in Cloud and Opensource.He currently works at Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager in the CosmosDB team