Same Mobile App - Two Ways

In NativeScript & Xamarin!


Sam Basu | Developer Advocate | @samidip

So you want to build a Mobile App?

Your zen is lost quickly ..

Too many platforms & Development paradigms ..

Confused Developer = Sad Panda!

Too many pitfalls with Native or Hybrid Apps ..

Mobile Development Landscape

2. Go Native

You do not want Compromises!

3. Go Web Hybrid

4. Go Cross-Compiled

5. Go JS Native

1. Go Mobile Web

So why NativeScript? {N}

Truly Native X-Plat Apps

with JavaScript

Wait .. What?

Native  iOS / Andoid / Windows 10* Apps

You're Welcome!

Built with JavaScript + XML + CSS



Single Code Base

*Coming Soon

Tell me more ..

No, you don't need a glowing fruit ..

This is mind blowing ..

Yeah, it's careful orchestration.

Let's unpack the Magic!

How is this working?

{N} is built from ground up


No Cross-Compilation

No WebView

{N} is straight-up JS | Running as Native App

Under the hood

{N} works over an abstraction - a very smart one

Runs JavaScript in a Virtual Machine

JavaScriptCore VM on iOS

JavaScriptCore* VM on Windows Phone

V8 VM on Android


You write JavaScript

{N} utilizes a bridge

Has full access to Native APIs

Uses Reflection to look up Native APIs

Metadata pre-generated

List of APIs for each Platform

Injected into App package @ Build time

- That's all of iOS + Android APIs!

Plug & Play?

{N} is very flexible

Allows reuse of skills & assets

Use native libraries for each platform

Shared UI styles through CSS

Use JS libraries without DOM dependency

Business Logic in JS?

Turns out, that's a bit of a lie ...

You get full TypeScript Support. Boom!

True object-oriented programming

TS Definition Files to offer Metadata

Use Classes, Interfaces & Access Modifiers

Full Intellisense support in many editors


Yes please ...

TypeScript in place of JS 

ES6/7 in place of ES5

SASS in place of CSS

You're welcome developers!

Truly Native Apps with Angular 2 + TypeScript

Why Angular 2 with {N}?

It just makes sense ...

Both {N} & NG2 written in TypeScript

Use your Angular skills

Share code between Web & Mobile

Render X-Plat Native UI

Think I'm sold .. where to start?

{N} gives you flexibility

You get 2 ways to start and choice of IDEs!

We LOVE Open Source

Choice #1: {N} is OSS on GitHub

Check out | Use it | Fork it

Yep, it's completely FREE .. there is no catch!

How do I start?

{N} Command Line Interface makes it easy

 npm install -g nativescript

Grab the NativeScript CLI:

 tns create MyApp / tns create MyApp --ng
 tns platform add android

Create Project & Add Platforms:

 tns run android
 tns run android --emulator

Run Project on Device or Emulator:

Choice of IDE?

{N} aims to give you flexibility

Sublime Text | With complete Workflow

VS Code | Dedicated {N} Extension

Most other JS/CSS text editors

Use Telerik Platform

Choice #2: {N} is best with Telerik AppBuilder

Complete end-to-end Mobile developer Platform!

What's in Telerik Platform?

  1. ScreenBuilder
  2. AppBuilder
  3. Backend Services
  4. Mobile Testing
  5. AppManager
  6. AppFeedback
  7. Analytics
  8. Modulus

Everything you need to build a Mobile app

All the pieces nicely wrapped up in one Platform!

You'll love AppBuilder with {N}

{N} in AppBuilder

Think of it as a friend with benefits

You gain Project Templates, Cloud Builds,

Backend, Analytics & much more ..

{N} Dev in a Browser

AppBuilder In-Browser Client is rather powerful

Yes, a X-Plat Native app .. developed in browser!

{N} Dev in a Visual Studio

All the VS Bells & Whistles .. included

Telerik AppBuilder IDEs

{N} truly shines in Developer flexibility

Any Developer Platform to suit your Mobile needs!

Why {N} again?

You're a Mobile Ninja


{N} is here to help!


Native X-Platform Mobile with JS/TS | @NativeScript

Go build your dream app!

So why Xamarin?

Truly Native X-Plat Apps with C#

The Bigger .NET Picture!

Any Platform, Any Device

Under the covers?

Native  iOS / Andoid / UWP Apps

Built with C# and XAML | Running on Mono



Cross-compiled from Single code base

Re-Use Skills & Assets

Choice of IDE?

Xamarin gives you flexibility

Xamarin Studio

On Mac | Rich yet fast IDE

Visual Studio  

On Windows | Mammoth among IDEs

Native X-Platform Mobile with C# | @XamarinHQ

Go build your dream app!

Mobile App in Two Ways

By Sam Basu

Mobile App in Two Ways

Build the same Mobile app in NativeScript & Xamarin

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