An exploration of dark energy with analytical and numerical tools using the large scale structures of the universe


Santiago Casas



Postdoctoral Researcher

TTK, RWTH Aachen University

     @santiagocasas                                                                                        @sant87casas

Dark Energy & Modified Gravity

The Horndeski Lagrangian

PhD thesis: Non-linear structure formation in models of Dark Energy and Modified Gravity,

Beyond Einstein's GR

Scalar-Tensor theories

Effect on LSS

N-Body simulations

CONCEPT: Python and Neutrinos


Credit: Yun Ling, My bachelor student,

Jeppe Dakin (U. Zurich)

Credit: Dr. Marco Baldi, Master thesis co-supervisor

Approximate methods: COLA

ABACUS: Fits for GCspectro with 1loopEFT

Other codes tested:



GNQ: Growing Neutrino Quintessence (developed in Heidelberg)

Credit: Winther, SC, Koyama, et al (2019)

Credit: SC, Führer, Ayaita, Weber, Wetterich

Credit: Rademacher, Moradinezhad, Lesgourges, SC

My Journey with Euclid

Credits:,, ESA/NASA/SpaceX, Euclid Consortium

Euclid consortium scientist visits Cannes. Credits: ThalesAlenia Space

Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes,,Blanchard et al. arXiv:1910.09273

Awardees of the Euclid STAR Prize Team 2019

EC Builder Status achieved 2023

Early Release Observations. ECICOM, ECEPO: Social media manager of instagram: @euclidconsortium

Euclid Launch: 1st July 2023

Large forecasting projects

The Fingertip Galaxy

WEAK Lensing and Galaxy Clusteering

SC, Lesgourgues, Schöneberg, et al., Euclid: Validation of the MontePython forecasting tools, 2303.09451 

SC, Kunz, Martinelli, Pettorino, Phys.Dark Univ. 18 1703.01271

3x2pt Photometric Cosmic Shear + Clustering

Spectroscopic Galaxy Clustering: BAO+RSD+DM+LSS+Galaxy bias

Excellent complimentarity


Code: CosmicFish

S.Casas, M.Martinelli and M.Raveri

Soon to be released: Full pythonic version


Python, Numpy-intensive

Couples to CAMB, CLASS, HiCLASS, MGCAMB, input4cast files

GC, WL, 21cm-IM, 3x2pt, CMB

Euclid, DESI, Rubin LSST, SKAO

Wolfram Language,

Cosmomathica-FORTRAN link for CAMB


Euclid, SKA1

Used to produce and validate IST:F forecasts 2015-2019

Hessian of a Gaussian Likelihood. Used to approximate posterior distributions at the maximum (fiducial value)

First code to be validated against MontePython MCMC forecasts

SC, Lesgourgues, Schöneberg, et al., Euclid: Validation of the MontePython forecasting tools, 2303.09451 

Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes,,Blanchard et al. arXiv:1910.09273

SC, Kunz, Martinelli, Pettorino, Phys.Dark Univ. 18 1703.01271

Euclid theory working group

SC, I. Tutusaus : Work Package lead of WP6, Forecasting and statistics

SC: Member of WP1,2,3,4,6,7,11 : From theory and non-linearities to likelihood

SC: Co-coordinator of the KeyPaper-Theory-1 project

\rm{d}s^2 = -(1+2\Psi) \rm{d}t^2 + a^2(1-2\Phi) \rm{d}x^2
G_{\rm eff}=\left(1+ \frac{2\beta^2(\phi_0)}{Z(\phi_0)}e^{-m(\phi_0)r}\right) G_N
\newcommand{\sg}{\ensuremath{\sigma_{8}}} \newcommand{\de}{\mathrm{d}} S = \frac{c^4}{16\pi G} \int{\de^4 x \sqrt{-g} \left[R+f(R)\right]}

Leader and first author of TWG-Standard Project 1 paper:

SC, Cardone, Sapone, et al, Euclid: Constraints on f(R) cosmologies from the spectroscopic and photometric primary probes, 2306.11053 

Frusciante, Pace, Cardone, SC et al, Euclid: Constraining linearly scale-independent modifications of gravity with the spectroscopic and photometric primary probes, 2306.12368

Main tasks:

Constrain gravitational potentials

Test for screening mechanisms

Check theories of modified gravity

Requires expertise with modified Einstein-Boltzmann solvers,

Emulators, Halo-model,

Fisher and likelihoods

Euclid: Likelihood and Nonlinear TASKFORCES

  • GCspectro: EFT 1-loop RSD in multipoles
  • 3x2pt photo:
    • Covariance, nonlinear Super-Sample
    • Galaxy Bias expansion
    • Emulators for nonlinear, HMCode, Halofit, Bacco, EuclidEmu
    • Baryonic Feedback: different parameters
  • Different emulators with systematic offsets
  • Euclid error bars can distinguish among them


Credit: P. Carrilho for IST:NL

Credit: SC, for IST:NL

Cosmological Likelihood for Observables in Euclid

Credit: SC, for IST:L

Credit: SC, for IST:NL

SC: Main developer and core member of CLOE. KeyPaper co-lead of 3x2pt in IST:NL

Preparation of DR1 analysis

  • Biasing when failing to analyse data with correct model of baryonic feedback

Other Surveys and CROss-correlations

Vera Rubin Observatory, LSST Project Office -

DESI telescope in Tucson, Arizona, in the Schuk Toak District on the Tohono O’odham Nation

Square Kilometer Array Observatory

SC, Carucci, Pettorino et al (2022), Constraining gravity with synergies between radio and optical cosmological surveys, 2210.05705 

CMB Stage-IV experiments:

Invited talk at the Manchester Optical x Radio Synergy meeting

Neutrinos and LSS with Euclid & more

Euclid Preparation: Sensitivity to Neutrino parameters. (Under internal review). Archidiacono, Lesgourgues, SC, Pamuk, et al.


  • \(M_{\nu}\) and \(N_{\rm eff}\)
  • Combination of different probes breaks degeneracies
  • For our given \(\ell_{\rm max}\) the effect of baryonic feedback is small <10%
  • Euclid (all) 1\(\sigma\) error: 30-60 meV

future AVENUES of work


Some highlights and the way forward


highlights & future avenues of work

JAX, Differentiable Programming, Variational Tools, Bayesian-ML-emulators

JAX-COSMO: Campagne, Lanusse, Zuntz, SC, et al, 2302.05163.

Automatic Fisher Matrices

Go beyond Fisher: DALI, etc...

Differentiable Boltzmann codes:

  • DiscoDJ, Hahn et al: 2311.03291
  • RWTH-Aachen version directly in C/C++ -> MIAPbP workshop

Emulators with AD:

  • CosmoPower : 2305.06347
  • Make uncertainty-aware emulators: Bayesian-NNs
  • AD (with JAX or Pytorch) to emulate Boltzmann codes.
  • Specifically for Modified Gravity -> codes still too slow

In collaboration with Johanna Schaffmeister and Sven Günther, students at RWTH

Accelerate parameter inference by factor 10^4 wrt current (Euclid) pipelines:

  • Hamilton Monte Carlo
  • Stochastic Variational Inference


highlights & future avenues of work

Non-linearities for spectroscopic and photometric LSS probes

CLASS 1-loop: Linde, Moradinezhad, Radermacher, SC, Lesgourgues, 2302.05163.

  • Soon: paper code release. Fully integrated into CLASS/classy and MontePython
  • Unbiased constraints tested against simulations
  • DESI forecasts, tested against Euclid IST:F model
  • Can we add MG (f(R)?, mu/Sigma) and neutrinos?

Techniques to include neutrinos as linear recipe through relativistic gauge transformations

CONCEPT: Python and Neutrinos

  • Managed to reproduce HMCode results for the P_mm, P_cb.

Credit: Yun Ling, My bachelor student,

Jeppe Dakin (U. Zurich)

KP-JC6-SP1 paper: Koyama, Pamuk, SC, et al

  • Study biasing in parameter estimation due to differences in non-linear predictions (halo-model, simulations, emulators).
  • Theoretical errors are important!
  • Emulators for the nonlinear matter power spectrum beyond ΛCDM, arXiv:1903.08798,
    Winther, SC, Baldi,  Koyama, et al.

Exotic models of DE-MG-\(\nu\):

Dynamics of neutrino lumps in growing neutrino quintessence, arXiv:1608.02358.
SC, Pettorino, Wetterich



highlights & future avenues of work

Euclid projects and synergies with other surveys

Constraining gravity with synergies between radio and optical cosmological surveys,
SC, Carucci, Pettorino, Camera, Martinelli

  • First time that a forecast for DESI GCsp x 21cm-IM was proposed in MG theories.
  • Many possibilities to combine photo+spectro+IM (LIM), with different properties in systematics.
  • Rubin LSST, SKAO Radio-WL and GC probes
  • Co-leading KeyProject (with P. Carrilho) in study of non-linear power spectra in 3x2pt analysis. Running MCMC chains.
  • Large differences in baryonic models (large param space) Bacco/BCemu/HMcode
  • Preparations for DR1
    with CLOE.
  • Non-linear bias, BNT, ....

Combinations of SKAO with Euclid still to be performed. MEERKAT data?

Possible combinatons with Roman H\(\alpha\) and [OIII] tracers. Overlap and extension of redshift ranges offers interesting possibilities.

Wang et al. (2022)

  • Nancy Grace Roman Telescope offers interesting synergies with its multiband photometry and spectroscopy. High number density -> voids, filaments, higher-order statistics?
  • Kinematic lensing?
  • Euclid: Sensitivity to neutrino parameters.
  • Most detailed MCMC forecasts to date for Euclid GCsp + 3x2pt photo + Cluster number counts + Planck (stage-IV CMB). For neutrino mass and N_eff.
  • Using all the techniques learned in my previous papers.
  • Archidiacono, Lesgourgues, SC, et al (in preparation, under internal review).
  • For DR1: Use Class-1loop?
    Use proper baryonic emulators


highlights & future avenues of work

Modified Gravity + Dark Energy + Exploratory research

Model-independent reconstruction of the linear anisotropic stress η
Pinho, SC, Amendola

  • Model dependence in MG is a big problem
  • Parametrizations bring artiicial constraints
  • Use of SNIa for d_L, Cosmic Chronometers (for H0) and RSD+lensing ratios (similar to E_g statistics) yields constraints on gravitational potentials, independent from DM/DE w(z) assumptions.
  • A re-analysis of this with new data, using JAX-Cosmo (AD-tools) will simplify the problem considerably. Needs derivatives of binned data.
  • Testing Screened Modified Gravity; Brax, SC, Desmond, Elder, arXiv:2201.10817.
  • Linear and non-linear Modified Gravity forecasts with future surveys, arXiv:1703.01271. SC, Kunz, Martinelli,  Pettorino.
  • Forecasted and current constraints on parametrized MG, do not take screening correctly into account (only exists for specific scalar-tensor Lagrangians)
  • Using work by Brax et al, convert screening of potentials into mu/Sigma constraints and test/forecast with LSS surveys.
  • Higgs-dilaton cosmology: An inflation-dark-energy connection and forecasts for future galaxy surveys, arXiv:1712.04956.
    SC, Pauly, Rubio.

    Connections between inflation and Dark Energy (i.e. ns vs w0) (late-time correlated to early time)

  • Leverage recent power of CMB-XC-LSS (Euclid and others)

  • Study if GWs bring extra information (Einstein-Telescope/Aachen/Padova collaboration)






By Santiago Casas


Some slides about my career path, research accomplishments and my goals for the next years.

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