Write Dot

"Repeated testing with feedback appears to result in significantly greater long-term retention of information taught in a didactic conference than repeated, spaced study"

Medical Education

"Restudying or taking a multiple choice test soon after learning improved final recall relative to no activity, but taking an initial short answer test improved final recall the most."

European Journal of Cognitive Psychology

"No matter their age or if they work or go to college full time, people appear to learn more when tested on material, rather than simply rereading or restudying information, according to research published online in the APA journal Psychology and Aging


Everyone is Talking about Testing

So much text!

Did you really read this?

STILL much text!

Did you really read this too?

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No Worries!

Testing Your Knowledge!

Much Learning!

After submit, read your fellow students answers in real time.

Upvote your favorites!

But learning shouldn't

only happen during workshops!?

This is new!

Type away about anything :)

Review and edit old reflections!

Future Iterations

  • Ongoing Glossary
  • Comments! Forums!
  • Not just writing! Multiple choice, short answer?
  • Blogging platforms?

Write Dot

By Sarah Muenzinger

Write Dot

  • 1,369