What the ES6?

What is ES6?

History of ECMA-262.

  • Mocha (1993) → LiveScript (1995) JavaScript (1995) → JScript (1996) → ECMA Script open spec (1997).
  • v1 (1997) and v2 (1998) vision for unified script language.
  • v3 (1999) adds regular expressions and other features.
  • v4 (💀) never released.
  • v5 (2009) and v5.1 (2015)  adds 'strict mode', JSON parsing, editorial changes and minor features.

ES6 is a huge deal!

ES Harmony Approach.

Is there an ES7+?

Enter Transpilation

#### Conclusion on bind
- Get more feedback from users on Babel

Supporting older ES

Key ES6 Changes

  • 📜 Strings
  • 💾 Variables
  • ➡️ Functions
  • 📦 Arrays and Objects
  • 🎡 Loops
  • 🐸 Classes
  • 💍  Promises
  • 🚚 Modules

📜 Strings

  • New methods: startsWith, endsWidth, includes and repeat.
  • For template literals uses back-ticks and not quotes.
  • Allow embedded expressions via ${} syntax.
  • Tags automatically assemble string into arguments.

💾 Variables

  • Adds let and const in addition to existing var.
  • Neither can not be re-declared.
  • Scoped to functions and blocks (basically inside {}).
  • Neither can be hoisted.
  • const can not be re-assigned (can still be mutated).
  • Preference depends on approach (OOP vs. functional).

➡️ Functions

  • Shorter arrow syntax.
  • Do not need parentheses if single parameter.
  • Does not need curly brackets if single expression.
  • Objects can be returned by encasing in parantheses.
  • Does not have its own lexical this.
  • Has no native arguments array.

📦 Arrays and Objects

  • Property and method assignment shorthand.
  • Object and array destructuring.
  • Array and parameter rest operator. (Object rest ES7)
  • Array from method for nodes list and arguments.
  • Array find method useful when array of objects.

🎡 Loops

  • ES5 For loop.
  • For of loop for arrays.
  • For in loop for objects.
  • Caveats of using For in on objects.
  • Generators.
  • Custom iterator.


🐸 Classes

  • Classes in ES5.
  • Classes in ES6.
  • Symbols.
  • Methods: get, set, static and regular methods.


💍​ Promises

  • ES5 callbacks (christmas tree of death).
  • Promise pass function with 'resolve' and 'reject' params.
  • Outside main flow, need '.catch' to handle errors.
  • Chain promises: '.then' and resolve all: 'Promise.all()'
  • Terminating promises.
  • Using fetch for AJAX and assets.

🚚​ Modules

  • Named imports and exports. (tree-shaking).
  • Can use 'as' to rename named imports.
  • Default imports and exports.
  • Arrow methods only in ES7 (manually 'this.bind').
  • '<scripts type="modules">' and '<scripts nomodules>'
  • Other types of JS modules: CommonJS, AMD and UMD.


Download Example

git clone https://github.com/schalkventer/humans-in-space.git
  1. Install NodeJS.
  2. Download via browser or clone example via Git:

  3. Open either 'es-modules' or 'parcel-transpilation' via terminal, command-line or Powershell.
  4. Run 'npm install & npm start'.


Shoutout: Codebridge

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What the ES6?

By Schalk Venter

What the ES6?

A deep dive into what exactly ES6 is and some core features it introduces to the JavaScript language.

  • 1,177