High Performance Computing for High-Resolution Analysis of Data,

Big to
Small, and Computational Intensity, High to Low

Barret Schloerke


Statistics PhD Candidate

Purdue University


"Big Data"

  • Great buzzword!
    • But imprecise when put to action
  • Computational performance depends on other factors
    • Computational complexity of methods used
      • Issues for all sizes of data
    • Hardware computing power
      • More machines ≈ more power

"Big Data"

  • Great buzzword!
    • But imprecise when put to action
  • Definition
    • Small Data - memory
    • Medium Data - single hard drive
    • Large Data - multiple machines, distributed
  • Computational performance depends on other factors
    • Computational complexity of methods used
      • Issues for all sizes of data
    • Hardware computing power
      • More machines ≈ more power

High Performance Computing for High-Resolution Analysis of Data, Big toSmall, and Computational Intensity, High to Low

By Barret Schloerke

High Performance Computing for High-Resolution Analysis of Data, Big toSmall, and Computational Intensity, High to Low

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