Wall Motion Abnormalites


  • Defining
  • Segments and territories
  • ...In coronary artery disease
  • ...In the absence of coronary artery disease


Wall Motion Abnormalities

Normal wall motion

  • Endocardial motion of the myocardial segment
    • Can be overestimated by passive dragging
  • Wall Thickening -% thickening estimate
    • Less affected by nearby wall motion, dragging and shape changes

Scoring System

Score Explanation
Hypokinetic Decreased thickening
Akinetic Negligible or absent thickening
Dyskinetic  Systolic thinning or stretching
Dyskinetic - aneurysmal Focal dilation or thinning with akinesia or dyskinetic systolic motion

Grading Wall Motion


17 (16) Segment Model

J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2015;28:1-39.

Vessel Territories

Vessel Territories

J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2015;28:1-39.

In coronary artery disease

Anterior STEMI

"Anterior septum and anterior hypokinesis to akinesis at basal and mid LV levels. Apex is hypokinetic to


Anterior STEMI

Inferior STEMI

Inferior STEMI

Anterior, anteriorseptal and apical

Anterior, anteroseptal and apical akinesis

Without coronary artery disease


Cardiomyopathy Explanation
Myocarditis Segmental or non-segmental wall motion abnormalities
Sarcoidosis Wall motion abnormalities in a non-coronary distribution
Stress induced cardiomyopathy
Apical balooning
Hyperdynamic base, outside of a single vessel territory

Stress Induced Cardiomyopathy


Other distinct movements to comment on...

  • Septal bounce
  • Lateral apical movement during systole


  • Classify regional wall motion abnormalities
  • Use of 17-segment model 
  • Consider if regional wall motions fits vessel distribution


By Seana Nelson


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