Integrating discrete choice models with MATSim scoring
Sebastian Hörl
25 March 2021
Discrete choice models vs. MATSim
Discrete choice model
Choice-making in MATSim
Discrete choice models vs. MATSim
Discrete choice model
Choice-making in MATSim
Discrete choice modeling
Discrete choice modeling
Discrete choice modeling
Discrete choice modeling
- Definition of utility v for a choice situation i with travel characteristics X and utility parameters beta
- Observed choice in each situation i
- Concept of utility
Find such that
Discrete choice modeling
- Definition of utility v for a choice situation i with travel characteristics X and utility parameters beta
- Observed choice in each situation i
- Concept of utility
Problem: Usually cannot be solved!
Find such that
Discrete choice modeling
- Random utility model adds
stochastic component to the
systematic utility
- Random utility maximization (RUM)
Discrete choice modeling
- If we choose the error to be EV / Gumbel-distributed ...
- ... there is a closed form expression of the choice probabity!
- Two alternatives:
Binary logit model
- More alternatives:
Multinomial logit model
Discrete choice modeling
- Closed-form expression allows to derive maximum likelihood estimate
Discrete choice modeling
- Models can be estimated from survey data, also for non-existant modes!
Discrete choice modeling
Discrete choice modeling
Discrete choice modeling: Simulation
- Given X, we have two options for predicting or simulating a choice
- Probability-based, sampling one alternative
- Maximization-based, sampling one error term
Discrete choice modeling
- Utility maximization principle
- Utilities affected by error / taste component to reflect uncertainty / noise in the data
- Generalization to non-existant modes is possible
- But: Solve very specific problem (e.g. mode choice)
Choice data
Utility model
Scoring-based choice making in MATSim
Mobility simualtion
- Daily plans of agents are simulated and scored in parallel
- Performing activities brings positive score
- Travling brings negative score
- After, some agents replan
- Either they choose from plans they have seen before (selection)
- Or they make random modification on an existing plan (innovation)
Scoring-based choice making in MATSim
New parameters
- We can make the simulation fit to reality by calibration
New parameters
- We can only fit simulation to baseline / historical cases
- We can only construct future scenarios of new modes of transport
Scoring-based choice making in MATSim
- Score maximization
- Complex activity chain possible
- Offers large flexibility
- But how to incorporate consistently future modes?
Scoring-based choice making in MATSim
Score maximization
- Complex activity chain possible
- Offers large flexibility
- But how to incorporate consistently future modes?
Is it possible to make use of a discrete choice model in MATSim?
Scoring-based choice making in MATSim
Integrating discrete choice models directly as a replanning strategy
- Available as discrete_mode_choice contrib (next presentation)
- As DMC, very specific use case: Mode choice!
- Not clear how to interact with other choice dimensions
Pragmatic solution
Making use of scoring to resemble a DMC
- This presetation!
- More theoretical analysis
- May lead to better insights and
compatibility in the future
Choice process in detail
- M: Maximum memory size
- ρ: Innovation rate
Choice process in detail
- Selection and deletion steer plans in memory towards higher scores
- Innovation explores all the potential plans
If we run this process infinitely, the memory of each agent should become populated with the same plan with maximum score
Whenever an agent performs innovation, there is one non-optimal plan generated in memory
- The selection process resembles score (utility) maximization except for some cases where we have innovation
Experimental setup
- 10,000 agents; one leg each
- Two modes (A and B; e.g., car vs. pt)
- Mode A leads to score -1 for the plan
- Mode B leads to score -2 for the plan
- Memory of size 3
- Innovation rate 10%
Tests - Choice strategy
- Innovation rate
- Change of score for mode B
Experimental results
Frozen errors
- MATSim is score maximizing
- But it is affected by innovation
- We can use frozen errors to simulate the error terms we have in the discrete choice model
- Has been used for location choice, but not from a generic perspective
- Idea: For each combination of (Person, Trip Index, Mode), we need to determinstically create an error term
Cryptographic hash functions
- Cryptographic hash functions are used, e.g. to encode passwords
- In binary representation
Fixed size, depending on hash function, e.g. SHA-512
Cryptographic hash functions
- Avalanche effect: "If one bit in the input changes, at least 50% of bits in the output must change"
- This leads to the fact that if the input is changed (systematically), we get a (approx.) uniformly distributed output over the value range of the hash function!
Cryptographic hash functions
- The error term stays fix for each combination, but over all trips in the population, the term is uniformly distributed!
- We can use Inverse Transform Sampling to create any distribution using the inverse CDF
(Person, Trip, Mode)
F can be Gumbel, Normal, ...
- Straight-forward implementation as additive scoring function
- Model is now sensitive to score!
- However, we would expect
- Choice probability is affected by innovation strategy!
Random mode
- On a conceptual level choice model parameters cannot be translated directly into scoring parameters
- MATSim as a utility maximizer can replicate the dynamics of an estimated discrete choice model
- We can systematically quantify the differences in a toy example
- Outlook
- What does this mean for stability of the simulation?
- What to do with innovation turn-off?
- How to generalize to other choice dimensions?
Thank you!
Questions ?
Integrating discrete choice models with MATSim scoring
By Sebastian Hörl
Integrating discrete choice models with MATSim scoring
ABMTRANS 2021, 25 March 2021
- 1,670