Network—feature dependencies using graph convolutional auto-encoders

Sébastien Lerique, Jacobo Levy-Abitbol, Márton Karsai & Éric Fleury

3rd May 2018 / LIAISON State of the art


network—feature dependencies

In Twitter (courtesy of Jacobo)


  • 2-way: how much do network structure and feature structure correlate

  • 3-way: how well does feature set 1 + network structure predict feature set 2
    (and how much does network structure help in predicting)

  • Combined: how much can we compress network + features (down to what dimension)

network—feature dependencies

feature noisiness

Use deep learning to explore these

A framework

Graph convolutional neural networks + Auto-encoders

How is this framework useful

Reformulate our questions

Status update

Where are we at & what's next

Neural networks





\(H^{(l+1)} = \sigma(H^{(l)}W^{(l)})\)

\(H^{(0)} = X\)

\(H^{(L)} = Z\)

Inspired by colah's blog

Graph-convolutional neural networks

\(H^{(l+1)} = \sigma(H^{(l)}W^{(l)})\)

\(H^{(0)} = X\)

\(H^{(L)} = Z\)

\(H^{(l+1)} = \sigma(\color{DarkRed}{\tilde{A}}H^{(l)}W^{(l)})\)

\(H^{(0)} = X\)

\(H^{(L)} = Z\)

\(\tilde{A} = D^{-\frac{1}{2}}AD^{-\frac{1}{2}}\)

Kipf & Welling (2017)

Semi-supervised GCN netflix

Four well-marked communities of size 10, small noise

Five well-marked communities of size 20, moderate noise

Overlapping communities of size 12, small noise

Two feature communities in a near-clique, small noise


  • Usually trained to reconstruct their input
  • A bottleneck forces a compression → creates embeddings
  • Lets us apply any architecture as encoder
  • Lets us emphasize aspects of the input to reconstruct

high dimension

high dimension

low dimension

Example — auto-encoding MNIST digits

MNIST Examples by Josef Steppan (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

60,000 training images

28x28 pixels

784 dims

784 dims


GCN + Auto-encoders = 🎉💖🎉

node features



node features

adjacency matrix

Socio-economic status

Language style


Socio-economic status

Language style


Compressed & combined representation of nodes + network

How is this useful

a.k.a., questions we can (will be able to) ask

2-way: how much do network structure and feature structure correlate

Combined: how much can we compress network + features

(down to what dimension)

3-way: how well does feature set 1 + network structure predict feature set 2
(and how much does network structure help in predicting)

Force a 2D embedding with one axis for each type of information

AE input = feature set 1

AE output = feature set 2

with / without convolutions

Plot the embedding dimension vs. reconstruction accuracy

Status update

✔ Graph convolutions exploration

✔ Variational AE basic implementation

✔ Sensitivity analysis

✔ Mini-batch training

✔ Proper mini-batch sampling

✔ Feature reconstruction

✔ Adjacency reconstruction normalisation

👷 Exploring small real data sets

👷 2nd sensitivity analysis for mini-batching on real datasets

👷 Refining target questions

👷 Choosing language features

👷 Scaling up to Twitter

Expertise needed

Thank you!

Jacobo, Márton, Éric

LIAISON State of the art at Inria Paris

By Sébastien Lerique

LIAISON State of the art at Inria Paris

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