Web Development:
An introduction
Hack Reactor, 2020-01-16
Who is this guy?
Laurie Voss
Did things at
- Yahoo
- awe.sm
- npm
Doing things at: Netlify
What are we talking about?
Web development:
- How to do it
- Why to do it
What am I going to get out of this?
By the end of this talk,
you will be a web developer.*
* A beginner, but still a web developer.
Why should I care?
Four reasons.
1. It's super fun
Why should I care?
2. The pay is good
Why should I care?
3. It's (kind of) inclusive
Why should I care?
...okay, it's more inclusive than those other jerks, anyway
Why should I care?
4. It's accessible
Why should I care?
The web belongs
to you
Why should I care?
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com
2 You downloaded the web page
3 Your browser ran the code
4 It rendered the page
5 You clicked a button
6 The code interpreted your click
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do
8 You got sent to a new web page
To understand the journey, you have to know
1 How the internet works
2 How the web works
3 How browsers work
4 How HTML works
5 How CSS works
6 How JavaScript works
7 How security works
8 How APIs work
Oh no,
that's a lot of stuff!
Don't worry; we got this.
How the
Internet works
The Internet
The web
The first web page.
The web = Hypertext + HTTP
The Internet
Computers talking to each other over wires.
It's all just
computers and wires
The Cloud is just other people's computers.
IP addresses
IP = Internet Protocol
Old style, IPv4:
New style, IPv6:
(We don't talk about IPv5)
Computers passing packets around.
IP Gateway
It's another computer.
Passing packets around
Many computers, many wires, to get to a destination.
IP is optimistic
"If I just keep passing it around it'll get there"
IP doesn't know where anything is
It relies on humans to tell it.
Humans are unreliable
And sometimes evil!
How do you find an IP address?
Use a domain name.
Domain Name System
(we are very good at naming things)
DNS is just
a lot of lists
Maintained by a very large number of computers.
Who has the authoritative list?
13 very special computers.
How do 13 independent computers agree?
They don't.
DNS cache poisoning
DNS is too trusting.
One domain can have many IPs
Domains can give you the physically closest IP
Light travels fast, but being closer is always faster.
DNS was not designed to do any of this
And it shows.
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page
3 Your browser ran the code
4 It rendered the page
5 You clicked a button
6 The code interpreted your click
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do
8 You got sent to a new web page
How the
web works
<b>Hello</b>, there.
HTML = HyperText Markup Language:
HyperText Transfer Protocol
We continue to be good at names.
An HTTP request
GET /bob.html
Host: seldo.com
An HTTP response
HTTP/2 200
A full web page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My web page</title>
(Colors just for readability)
How browsers work
Browsers speak HTTP, and interpret HTML
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page ✅
3 Your browser ran the code
4 It rendered the page
5 You clicked a button
6 The code interpreted your click
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do
8 You got sent to a new web page
How HTML works
A: Parsing
B: Tree rendering
C: Layout
D: Painting
E: Interactivity
What browsers do with HTML:
What browsers do
A: parsing
What browsers do
B: tree rendering
What browsers do
C: layout
What browsers do
D: Painting
What browsers do
E: Interactivity
Real browsers have more than 5 steps
HyperText is
text with links
HTML tags have meaning
<address> <article> <aside> <footer> <header> <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> <main> <nav> <section> <details> <dialog> <menu> <summary>
Tim Berners-Lee invented the web
He was just trying to invent Wikipedia
The web was supposed to be a database
Not a presentation format.
HTML encodes meaning
I like <a href="https://apple.com">Apple</a> laptops.
You can find this book at my <a href="https://amazon.com">favorite bookstore</a>.
Search engines work because HTML has meaning
HTML is accessible
By default, and for free.
A Braille screen reader
extremely cool
Thanks, Tim.
How CSS works
CSS keeps presentation separate from meaning
We tried the other way and it was bad.
CSS can be
a whole career
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page ✅
3 Your browser ran the code ✅
4 It rendered the page ✅
5 You clicked a button
6 The code interpreted your click
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do
8 You got sent to a new web page
How JavaScript
You built a website!
There is
no magic to this
Event-driven interactivity
Web apps
Web sites
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page ✅
3 Your browser ran the code ✅
4 It rendered the page ✅
5 You clicked a button ✅
6 The code interpreted your click ✅
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do
8 You got sent to a new web page
How Security
They are, in fact, out to get you.
Think like you're evil
You can do it. I believe in you.
MITM attacks
Monster In The Middle
Transport Layer Security
(replaces SSL, Secure Sockets Layer)
Proof of identity
TLS relies on trust
You have to trust somebody, and that's the problem.
Certificate authorities
They're not infallible.
Authentication works both way
How do you prove you are who you say you are?
We are really, really good at naming things.
Cookies: like a ticket from coat check
Cryptography is just really long numbers
Trust no one
Security is your job
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page ✅
3 Your browser ran the code ✅
4 It rendered the page ✅
5 You clicked a button ✅
6 The code interpreted your click ✅
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do ⬅️
8 You got sent to a new web page
How APIs work
GET /bob.html
Host: seldo.com
HTTP Verbs
POST /buythething.html
Host: amazon.com
Cookie: mysecret=nd4vbpotp
Buy book 123.
HTTP is how everything happens
HTTP/2 200
HTTP/2 302
Location: http://amazon.com/congrats.html
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page ✅
3 Your browser ran the code ✅
4 It rendered the page ✅
5 You clicked a button ✅
6 The code interpreted your click ✅
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do ✅
8 You got sent to a new web page ⬅️
A server is just
another computer
The cloud is just lots of other computers.
Servers are
Servers talk
to other servers
Servers talk via APIs
You need a server
Don't worry, this is the easiest part.
1. Create a folder
2. Save your HTML into a file called index.html
3. Put index.html into the folder
4. Drag and drop the folder onto
There is no step 5.
Deploy your website
A web journey
1 You visited Amazon.com ✅
2 You downloaded the web page ✅
3 Your browser ran the code ✅
4 It rendered the page ✅
5 You clicked a button ✅
6 The code interpreted your click ✅
7 Your browser told Amazon what to do ✅
8 You got sent to a new web page ✅
You're a web developer now
So what next?
Self-directed learning
Do it later.
Should I learn a framework?
And if so which one?
There is no such thing as fundamentals
Computers are frameworks upon frameworks
until eventually you get to hot sand.
Learn a framework
It doesn't matter which one.
Don't get stuck
in a rut
The web is constantly evolving.
Is learning all of this going to be worth it?
and also it's fun.
The web is unreasonably powerful
Mobile apps are fine
but the web is better
Accessible (to humans)
Accessible (to robots)
Accessible (to you)
Simple but world-changing.
You can't link to somebody else's desktop
Humans are social
And so is the web.
A story
about the web
The web
is why I'm here
You can do
amazing things
And I want you to try.
Go forth and
develop the web
These slides are at
Web Development: An introduction
By seldo
Web Development: An introduction
- 4,959