• Introducing LlamaIndex (AZD community call)

  • llama-agents deep dive

  • GenAI agents in 2024 with LlamaIndex (TiDB Hackathon)

  • GenAI agents in 2024 with LlamaIndex (Llama3 Hackathon)

  • GenAI agents in 2024 with LlamaIndex (YouTube edition)

  • GenAI agents in 2024 with LlamaIndex (AGI House)

  • RAG in 2024: advancing to agents (YouTube edition)

  • RAG in 2024: advancing to agents

  • Advanced RAG techniques (Pulumi webinar)

  • LlamaIndex and Azure AI search

  • Advanced RAG with agentic strategies with LlamaIndex

  • Building Advanced RAG applications with LlamaIndex

  • Advanced RAG techniques lightning talk

  • Advanced RAG techniques with LlamaIndex

  • Advanced RAG techniques with LlamaIndex

  • Scratch slides for DeepLearning

  • Enterprise RAG applications

  • Advanced RAG applications

  • Enterprise RAG with LlamaIndex

  • Enterprise RAG with LlamaIndex

  • RAG with Azure Cosmos DB

  • A deep dive into RAG

  • Can I put JS in here

  • Web development in 2023

  • What The Data Says: QCon SF

  • Jamstack Community Survey 2022

  • world-congress-2022

  • Web Development Best Practices: What The Data Tells Us

  • Web Development Best Practices: What The Data Tells Us

  • Web Development Best Practices: What The Data Tells Us

  • Web Development Best Practices: What The Data Tells Us

  • Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • Jamstack Is Eating The World

  • Copy of Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • npm Trends

  • Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • The Evolving Architecture of Web Apps

  • Jamstack Survey 2020

  • Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • Web Development: An introduction

  • The Job Pitch

  • JavaScript: Who, Where, What, Why and Next

  • All those times we broke the registry

  • Securing JavaScript

  • JavaScript: Who, Where, What, Why and Next

  • JavaScript: Who, Where, What, Why and Next

  • Stuff Everybody Knows @ Hack Reactor

  • Professional JavaScript in 2019