Guild Activities

What Do We Have Today?

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Tech Talks

How it Works?

  • Devs suggest topics on guild board
  • You choose a subject you'd like to learn/talk about
  • We agree on a date for presentation
  • Guild staff will help you to prepare & rehearse the talk
  • Promoting Wix engineering brand
  • Keep up with crazy evolution of frontend development
  • Help people grow both technically and personally

It's Great!

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Open Discussions

How it Works?

  • Anyone can suggest a topic for open discussion (#fed-guild)
  • We schedule (up to) 1h discussion on the topic
  • Everyone is welcome to join and contribute
  • We try to finish discussion with real action items

It's Great!

  • Many people/companies - same problems
  • Get to know each other
  • Sharing is caring!

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Guild Tasks

How it Works?

  • Guild tasks are categorized to Dev tools, Core libraries & Build tasks
  • You choose tasks that interest you
  • Create pull request & review with Infrastructure team

It's Great!

  • You get to learn about infrastructure & promote changes that matter for you
  • Learn from code review
  • You always have something to do on weekend :P

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Guild Forums

Wix Style Devs Forum

  • Cross-wix team that works on Wix Style
  • Talk about issues with using it
  • Plan roadmap
  • Promote usage in company
  • FIX BUGS!!!

Guild Leaders Forum

  • Team leaders meet every 2 weeks
  • Discuss management & guild issues
  • Promote guild agenda in companies

New Activities!

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Production review

How it Works?

  • One third of guild meets each week (monday?)
  • Every time someone else presents their project
  • What does it do? How does it work?
  • New relic & Anodot status
  • Interesting performance issues or exceptions
  • Post mortems

It's Great!

  • Learn about what other teams do
  • Share examples of how to maintain project
  • Give your project some love

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Code review

How it Works?

  • One third of guild meets each week (wednesday?)
  • Every time someone else presents some code
  • Can be a new feature or small product
  • Can be an interesting refactor
  • People discuss the code and give comments

It's Great!

  • Help spread best practices
  • Learn how to be constructive
  • Be proud of your work
  • Make your code more awesome

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Guild Week

How it Works?

  • Every week 8 feds will spend their whole week working on guild tasks
  • Thursdays will have only tech talks & open discussion
  • Work will be done in pairs

It's Great!

  • Less context switch, more complex tasks
  • Get some pair programming exprience
  • Collaborate on tasks with server guild
  • Nice week in different atmosphere


  • Tech talks
  • Open discussions
  • Guild forums
  • Production review
  • Code review
  • Guild tasks / Guild week

Guild Activities

By Shahar Talmi

Guild Activities

  • 1,293