How to use ____ and not to kill each other
Topalov Alex 2016
Part 1. What this all is about?
Survival of the fittest
Or collaboration around same goal?
Part 2. Why should I care?
How deep is your stack?
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
- MongoDB
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
- MongoDB -> :(
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
- MongoDB -> :(
- Javascript
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
- MongoDB -> :(
- Javascript
- Jquery
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
- MongoDB -> :(
- Javascript
- Jquery
- . . .
How deep is your stack?
- Rails
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Memcache
- MongoDB -> :(
- Javascript
- Jquery
- Ember
- Angular
- React
- Ansible
- Chef
- Bash
- *nix
- macOs
- Network
- Elasticsearch/Sphinx
- Functional Programming
- Bower
- Puma/Passanger
- Apache/Nginix
We prefer to work with good people because skill is achievable but being a good person is a challange
Part 3. How it looks in a field
1. Type X
2. Type Y
3. Mythical Type Z. Leadership
Types of management:
Type X. Totalitarian
- Only one source of problems -> you
- Being bottleneck.
- You could blame team if something goes wrong. PROFIT!
- What did you hire them for?
- If development is a form of art, how orders affect it?
- Where to expect new ideas?
- high stressful work environment
- Bottleneck syndrome
Type Y. Soft
- Team members are very laid back and relaxed.
- Expectations are rarely meet.
- Top management complaints.
- Project owner keep adding features in current sprint.
- Process could went weird ways.
- Law of Triviality.
Type Z. Balanced.
- Team is collaborating around same goal.
- Goals are easy to set and manage.
- Organize seamless development process.
- Collective/Collaborative responsibility.
- Team building, internal communication(Law of Triviality).
Part 4. Collaboration
How we could setup collaborative environment
- Code Review
- Code Review
- Open issue on a controversy decision
How we could setup collaborative environment
- Code Review.
- Open issue on a controversy decision.
- Don't afraid asking questions.
How we could setup collaborative environment
- Code Review.
- Open issue on a controversy decision.
- Don't afraid asking questions.
- Always understand and remind main goal
- Have a reasonable pool of tasks that anyone could pick up according to their preference not someones order.
How we could setup collaborative environment
- Code Review.
- Open issue on a controversy decision.
- Don't afraid asking questions.
- Always understand and remind main goal
- Have a reasonable pool of tasks that anyone could pick up according to their preference not someones order.
- If something against your principles inform team about that. Be flexible and understand your true motives
How we could setup collaborative environment
- Code Review.
- Open issue on a controversy decision.
- Don't afraid asking questions.
- Always understand and remind main goal
- Have a reasonable pool of tasks that anyone could pick up according to their preference not someones order.
- If something against your principles inform team about that. Be flexible and understand your true motives.
- If you see something - say something.
How we could setup collaborative environment
Part 5. Resolving conflicts
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
- Personal issues/mood
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
- Personal issues/mood
- Partially old experience
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
- Personal issues/mood
- Partially old experience
- Personal principles
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
- Personal issues/mood
- Partially old experience
- Personal principles
2. Appreciate(not understand) what other people believe in.
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
- Personal issues/mood
- Partially old experience
- Personal principles
2. Appreciate(not understand) what other people believe in.
- Noone are ideal and noone are able to abstract completely
How we should resolve conflicts
1. Remove own judgements:
- Deadlines
- Other tasks in a sprint
- Personal issues/mood
- Partially old experience
- Personal principles
2. Appreciate(not understand) what other people believe in.
- Noone are ideal and noone are able to abstract completely
- We all humans and make mistakes. Move on with that.
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
By Alex Topalov
- 1,556