
component factory, wix-ui and FED Infra

About Me 🙋‍♂️



Shlomi Toussia-Cohen


~1.5 years in Wix

FED Infra Team Leader


Formerly a Guild Master

Kickstart 4.0 FED Course Manager

The Team









Topics 👨‍🏫

  • wix-style-react current status
  • Developers <=> Library <=> UX
  • Near future plans


A collection of React components that conform to the Business-Manager UX guidelines


  • Created on 14.11.2016
  • First components were taken from Restaurants
  • Next components were built as part of Guineapig 2
  • More components were created during Guild Weeks


  • 60 components              (30)
  • 1702 commits               (478)
  • 1418 PRs                        (104)
  • 130 contributors
  • 4300 releases

Today                             (1 year ago)

Last months additions 👩‍💻

Components 🌟

Business Manager Blitz

Page Header

Business Manager Blitz

Stats Widget


Revised Loader

Documentation 📚

Users say: "Docs aren't clear"

  • How to import and use components?
  • How to import and use TestKits?
  • Documentation is not consistent
  • Hard to find components in the storybook


Storybook structure according to Zeplin

Infra Tasks 🛠

  • Semi-Manual Releases and Semantic Versioning
  • Support and use enzyme 3 for testing
  • RC versions of storybook for each PR

Upcoming Changes

  • New components
  • Improved Icons
  • Refactor typography and colors
  • Continue working on Docs

wix-style-react cannot exist without you 👈

How can you help?

  • Found a bug? Open an issue!
  • Create PRs for bug fixes
  • Create PRs for new features

"I Can't help due to deadlines"

That's ok, we know you're busy, but notice that:

  • If you hack it - it might break in the future.
  • If you create/fix it only in your project - other people will also need to do it in their project.
  • If it takes you one day to fix - multiply it in the amount of other projects, and now everyone needs one day.

What can you do about it

  • Ask your manager for more time to do it
  • Suggest doing it during your guild week
  • Contact us:



"The UX asked me to do something different"

  • Is it according to wix-style-react's guidelines?
  • If it isn't - they should contact the library's UX:
    Ben Ben-Horin / Domas Markevičius
  • Lib UX says no? Don't do it! ❌
  • Lib UX says yes? It needs to be in the library! 👍

The future 🚀

Goal 1: Have a single themeable component library

  • Business Manager (wix-style-react)
  • Answers (libby)
  • Editor (base-ui)
  • TPAs (Needs only to customize components)
  • DeviantArt (No lib yet)
  • ADI (Angular common controls => React)
  • ...

Goal 2:

Make wix-style-react a themeable library

Goal 3: Add Components to Santa

As part of WixCode improvements efforts:

Add third-party React components to Santa

  • ToggleSwitch 🛠
  • TimePicker 🛠
  • Google Address search input 🛠
  • Pagination 🆕
  • Slider 🆕
  • Rating 🆕

refactoring existing components

  • Take a component from wix-style-react
  • Split the theme from the logic.
  • Create a core layer to hold the component logic
    • wix-ui-core
  • Create a theme in a dedicated library
    • wix-ui-backoffice
    • wix-ui-santa


  • base components (Button, Input, ToggleSwitch...)
  • minimal styling
  • typescript
  • fully tested + testkit drivers
  • theming solution powered by stylable


  • Business Manager theme.
  • Styled base components and composites
    (Page Header, Notification Bars....
  • New wix-style-react components.
  • wix-style-react will proxy refactored components
export {ToggleSwitch} from 'wix-ui-backoffice/ToggleSwitch'


  • components for Santa viewer.
  • specific logic to interact with Santa.
  • customizable when in editor mode.
  • static CSS when displayed in the viewer.

Themes created during GW



More themes?

  • wix-ui-answers
  • wix-ui-deviantArt
  • wix-ui-editor
  • many more!


Thanks! ❤️


By Shlomi Toussia Cohen


  • 690