

Nir Yosef


Shlomi Toussia-Cohen

CX (Infra-team)

Guild Week #2

What is wix-input

  • A simple wrapper for the native text input with tooltip


  • Understand directive's use cases and needs
  • Bug fixes
  • Code and tests refactor
  • Document changes

So what is wrong?

  • Features/Hacks were added without control
    • <textarea>
    • ngModel delegation
    • Complicated API to show errors (errorMessage, errorMessages, errorType, tooltipClass, transclusion)
  • Directive was double compiled
    • ngClick fired twice
  • A relative big directive for a simple task
    • ~130 LOC

Refactor tests

beforeEach(() => {
    driver = new WixInputDriver();

it('should render the wix-input with an input element', () => {
        .given.attributes({type: 'email', 'ng-model': 'email'})


Double Compilation

//Given directive:

<wix-input ng-click="sayHello()"/>

//Compiled to:

<wix-input> //**but ngClick was already compiled!**
    <input ng-click="sayHello()"/>

Double Compilation (fix)

  • priority+terminal = stop compilation (thanks Felix!)
.directive('wixInput', function (wixDirectivesUtils) {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      priority: 550, //compile after ngIf, but before ngClick
      terminal: true, //stop compilation
      template: '<input/>',
      compile: function (element, $attrs) {
        const input = element.find('input');
            element, input, $attrs, ['ngIf']
        //... later will compile only the input


  • Use <wix-textarea> instead of <wix-input rows="3">
  • ngModel directive is set only to the inner native input (change your css selectors).
  • Bigger architecture changes will happen in the near future, still work in progress.

Migration NOW!

  • Old wix-input can still be used but will be deprecated within a ~month (we'll send an email).
  • You can try the new directive by setting a flag on wixStyleConfig:
  .config(function (wixStyleConfigProvider) {

Wix-Style thoughts

  • Changing common libs should be supervised - create ownership.
  • Minimum hacks should be made.
  • Documentation is important.

Use Slate

for documenting

Wix-Style: <wix-input>

By Shlomi Toussia Cohen

Wix-Style: <wix-input>

  • 308