Introduction to software containers

Application in scientific practice

Docker and Singularity

Toni Hermoso Pulido

Bioinformatics Unit

CRG, Barcelona


  • Software Engineering Culture
  • Software Development + Software Operations
  • Automate and monitor





  • Abstraction of physical hardware
  • Depends on hypervisor (software)
  • Do not confuse with hardware emulator
  • Enable virtual machines
    • Every virtual machine with an Operating System


aka Lightweight virtualisation


  • Abstraction of application layer
  • Depends on host kernel (Operating System)
  • Application and dependencies bundled all together

Virtual machines vs containers


Pros and Cons


  • PRO: Very similar to a full OS
  • PRO: With current solutions, high OS diversity
  • CON: Need of more space and resources
  • CON: Slower than containers
  • CON: Not as good automating


Pros and Cons


  • PRO: Faster
  • PRO: No need of full OS installation. Less space.
  • PRO: Current solutions allow easier distribution of recipes. More portability
  • PRO: Easier automation
  • CON: Some cases might not be exactly the same as a full OS
  • CON: With current solutions, still less OS diversity

History of containers


  • chroot jail (BSD jail) - First concept 1979
  • Notable use in SSH and FTP servers
  • Honeypot, recovery of systems, etc.

Additions in Linux kernel

  • cgroups (control groups), before 'process containers'
    • isolates resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network, etc.) of a collection of processes
  • Linux namespaces
    • one set of kernel resources restrict to one set of processes

Additions in Linux kernel



  • Platform for developing, shipping, and running applications
  • Infrastructure as application/code
  • Established Open Container Initiative


As a software:

Docker architecture

Docker image

  • Read-only templates.
  • Containers are run from them
  • Images are not run
  • Images have several layers

Docker image - Building

  • Can be built from existing base images
    • E.g. : Ubuntu, Apache
  • Any modification from a base image is a new layer
  • Base images can be generated with tools such as Debootstrap
    • Reminds of creation of a bootable (USB) Image

Docker image - Instructions

  • Recipe file:

    • Dockerfile
  • Instructions
    • Every instruction generates an image layer
    • FROM: use a base image (notice tag)
    • ADD, COPY: add files to image filesystem
    • RUN: execute command in image
    • ENV, ARG: Run and build environment variables
    • CMD, ENTRYPOINT: Command to execute when generated container starts

Docker image - Instructions

  • Instructions
    • USER: User to run a following process (fallback: root)
    • WORKDIR: Location where following processes will be executed
    • VOLUME: Definition of mounting point (with host)
    • EXPOSE: Ports to be accessible from the container



Docker container

  • Generated from an image (template)
  • Image: read-only
  • Container: read-write
  • Can be converted into image
    • docker commit
  • 1 imatge -> n diverse containers
    • Diversity:
      • Volumes / Mounting points
        • Different data or configs
      • Different exposed ports

Run container

$ docker run biocorecrg/c4lwg-2018 /bin/echo "Hello world!"

Run container as daemon

$ docker run -d --name mycontainer biocorecrg/c4lwg-2018 /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
$ docker ps

Run daemon

List runninng containers

Log and info of container

$ docker log mycontainer
$ docker inspect mycontainer

Actions on containers

$ docker stop mycontainer
$ docker start mycontainer
$ docker restart mycontainer

More running on container

$ docker exec mycontainer /bin/echo "Bye, moon!"
$ docker run -ti mycontainer2 /bin/bash

Execute on a running container

Run a container interactively (from the beginning). Stops when exiting

$ docker exec -ti mycontainer /bin/bash

Execute on a running container interactively

Other Docker commands

$ docker rm mycontainer
$ docker rmi myimage
$ docker ps -a

remove container, remove image

list all containers (even stopped ones)

Docker registry and

Docker hub

  • Images are stored locally
  • They can also be shared in a registry
  • Main Public one: Docker hub



Repository of bioinformatics containers


Docker registry commands

$ docker pull biocorecrg/debian-perlbrew:stretch
$ docker push myusername/mysexyimage

download image

upload image


containers for HPC

Singularity vs Docker

  • Docker -> Microservices
  • Singularity -> HPC


Singularity architecture

Singularity - Strenghts

  • No dependency of a daemon
  • Can be run as a simple user
  • Image/container is a file (or directory)
    • More easily portable
  • Two type of images
    • Read-only (production)
    • Writable (development)

Singularity - build

As of 2.4.x version

Singularity recipes

BootStrap: docker
From: biocorecrg/c4lwg-2018

    echo "Welcome to C4LWG-2018 Singularity Image"

    echo "C4LWG-2018 image built"

Singularity recipes

BootStrap: debootstrap
OSVersion: xenial
Include: build-essential curl python python-dev openjdk-8-jdk bzip2 zip unzip

    echo "Welcome to Ubuntu C4LWG-2018 Singularity Image"



    cd /usr/local; curl -k -L${FASTQC_VERSION}.zip > 
    cd /usr/local; unzip; rm; chmod 775 FastQC/fastqc; ln -s /usr/local/FastQC/fastqc /usr/local/bin/fastqc

    cd /usr/local; curl --fail --silent --show-error --location --remote-name$BOWTIE_VERSION/bowtie-${BOWTIE_VERSION}
    cd /usr/local; unzip -d /usr/local bowtie-${BOWTIE_VERSION}
    cd /usr/local; rm bowtie-${BOWTIE_VERSION}
    cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s ../bowtie-${BOWTIE_VERSION}/bowtie* .

    curl --fail --silent --show-error --location --remote-name

    pip install numpy matplotlib 
    pip install -I multiqc==${MULTIQC_VERSION}

    echo "C4LWG-2018 image built"

    Maintainer Biocorecrg
Version 0.1.0

Singularity - Weaknesses

  • At the time of writing only good support in Linux
    • Not a big deal in HPC environments, though
  • For some uses you need root account (or sudo)
  • Still young project compared to other solutions

Singularity - build

$ singularity build c4lwg-2018.simg docker://biocorecrg/c4lwg-2018
$ sudo singularity build --writable c4lwg-2018.img docker://biocorecrg/c4lwg-2018

Build read-only image from Docker (Squash FS)

Build writable image from Docker (ext3 FS)

Build from recipe

$ sudo singularity build c4lwg-2018.xenial.simg Singularity.xenial

Singularity - run

$ singularity exec c4lwg-2018.simg /bin/echo 'Hello world'
$ singularity exec -e c4lwg-2018.simg /bin/echo 'Hello world'

Execute a command

Execute a command (with clean environment)

Execute a shell

$ singularity shell c4lwg-2018.simg
$ singularity run c4lwg-2018.simg

Execute defined runscript (parameters can be used)

Further reading


containers in science

  • Mantainability
  • Portability
  • Reproducibility


Introduction to containers in scientific practice. Docker and Singularity


Introduction to containers in scientific practice. Docker and Singularity

This hands-on presentation shows what containers are, two technological implementations (Docker and Singularity) and their rellevance in scientific practice.

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