Solve code complexity. Easily
Keep the code "familiar"
Remove code complexity
adjacent = lie near
const aFunction = (arg1, arg2) => {
// return something
Our building block
You need an higher level abstraction
For your application
Dependency: a higher level abstraction
const { dependency } = require('diesis')
const aDependency = dependency([getArg1, getArg2], (arg1, arg2) => {
// return something
const res = await aDependency()
const getGarlic = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getOliveOil = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getWater = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getSalt = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getDriedPasta = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getCondiments = dependency([getGarlic, getOliveOil],
(garlic, oliveOil) => {/* ... */})
const getPasta = dependency([getDriedPasta, getWater, getSalt],
(driedPasta, water, salt) => {/* ... */})
const pastaAglioOlio = dependency([getCondiments, getPasta],
(condiments, pasta) => {/* ... */})
Pasta aglio and olio
const dish = await pastaAglioOlio()
Sort out execution order
Ensure a dependency is only executed once
Deal with sync/async
What diesis does:
const aDependency = dependency(['local', getDep], (local, dep) => {/* ... */})
Injecting arguments
await aDependency({ local: 3 })
const getGarlic = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getOliveOil = dependency(['servings'], (servings) => {/* ... */})
const getWater = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getSalt = dependency(() => {/* ... */})
const getDriedPasta = dependency(['servings'], (servings) => {/* ... */})
const getCondiments = dependency([getGarlic, getOliveOil],
(garlic, oliveOil) => {/* ... */})
const getPasta = dependency([getDriedPasta, getWater, getSalt],
(driedPasta, water, salt) => {/* ... */})
const pastaAglioOlio = dependency([getCondiments, getPasta],
(condiments, pasta) => {/* ... */})
Pasta aglio and olio for n servings
const dish = await pastaAglioOlio({ servings: 3 })
diesis design
- Low cognitive load
- no "framework"
- no centralised registry
- no reimplementing language features
sim – plex = one braid
Code complexity explained with pasta
you pull one, you get too many
To find what you search you have to dig through many layers
Solving problems adding more pasta
const numberOfVegetarianDishes = await countVegetarianDishes({ menuId: 123456 })
API: first iteration
const getDishes = (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return dishes.filter((dish) =>
Without Diesis
const getDishes = dependency(['menuId'], (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishes = dependency([getDishes], (dishes) =>
dishes.filter((dish) => dish.vegetarian).length)
With Diesis
const numberOfVegetarianDishes = await countVegetarianDishes({ menuId: 123456 })
API: Second iteration
const numberOfDishes = await countDishes({ menuId: 123456 })
const getDishes = (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return dishes.filter((dish) =>
const countDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return dishes.length
Without Diesis
const getDishes = dependency(['menuId'], (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishes = dependency([getDishes], (dishes) =>
dishes.filter((dish) => dish.vegetarian).length)
const countDishes = dependency([getDishes], (dishes) => {
return dishes.length
With Diesis
API: third iteration
const numberOfVegetarianDishes = await countVegetarianDishes({ menuId: 123456 })
const numberOfDishes = await countDishes({ menuId: 123456 })
const vegetarianDishesRatio = await getVegetariaDishesRatio({ menuId: 123456 })
Without Diesis
const getDishes = (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return dishes.filter((dish) =>
const countDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return dishes.length
const getVegetarianDishesRatio = async ({ menuId }) => {
const nDishes = await countDishes({ menuId })
const nVeg = await vegetarianDishesCourses({ menuId })
return nVeg / nDishes
Without Diesis (now correct)
const getDishes = (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishesFromList = (dishes) =>
dishes.filter((d) => m.vegetarian).length
const countVegetarianDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return countVegetarianDishesFromList(dishes)
const countDishesFromList = (dishes) => dishes.length
const countDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return countDishesFromList(dishes)
const getVegetarianDishesRatio = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(manuId)
const nDishes = countDishesFromList(dishes)
const nVegs = countVegetarianDishesFromList(dishes)
return nVegs / nDishes
With Diesis
const getDishes = dependency(['menuId'], (menuId) => {
// ...
return Promise.resolve([
{ name: 'Pasta Bolognese', vegetarian: false },
{ name: 'Pasta with tomato', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta aglio olio', vegeratian: true },
{ name: 'Pasta with meatballs', vegeratian: false }
const countVegetarianDishes = dependency([getDishes], (dishes) =>
dishes.filter((dish) => dish.vegetarian).length)
const countDishes = dependency([getDishes], (dishes) => {
return dishes.length
const getMainCourseRatio = dependency([countVegetarianDishes, countDishes],
(nVegs, nDishes) => {
return nVegs / nDishes
Testing without Diesis
const countDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return dishes.length
// :-(
const countDishesFromList = (dishes) => dishes.length
const countDishes = async ({ menuId }) => {
const dishes = await getDishes(menuId)
return countDishesFromList(dishes)
countDishesFromList(['pasta1', 'pasta2', 'pasta3'])
.then(n => {
assert(n === 3)
// :-|
Testing with Diesis
const countDishes = dependency([getDishes], (dishes) => {
return dishes.length
assert(countDishes.dep.func(['pasta1', 'pasta2', 'pasta3']) === 3)
run multiple dependencies
// Don't do that!
const [vegetarianDishesRatio, vegetarianDishes] = await Promise.all([
run(getVegetarianDishesRatio, { menuId: 123456 }),
run(countVegetarianDishes, { menuId: 123456 })
// Do that instead!
const { run } = require('diesis')
const [vegetarianDishesRatio, vegetarianDishes] = await run([
], { menuId: 123456 })
Memoize dependencies
const { dependencyMemo } = require('diesis')
const database = dependencyMemo([], () => {
// ...
Thanks and buon appetito
By Maurizio Lupo
A dependency injection library
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