Build a Serverless GraphQL
AWS Amplify

Introduction to AWS AppSync
AWS Amplify Toolchain & Client Libraries
AWS Amplify GraphQL Transforms
I'm Siva
Computer Enterprises Inc
#Mobile #AI #IoT #Cloud

Query language for APIs.
Declarative way of fetching and updating data.

AWS AppSync
AWS AppSync Features
- Managed GraphQL Service
- Connect to your resources in AWS Account -
- Lambda, API Gateway, NoSQL/SQL, ElasticSearch
- Built-in offline support
- Enterprise level security features
- Simple and scalable real-time synchronization using GraphQL subscriptions

CLI Toolchain & Client Library
AWS Amplify
CLI Toolchain
AWS Amplify
- Create AWS service.
- Update & delete AWS services.
- Hosting for static websites & assets.
- Run & Debug your functions locally.
- Using cloud formation provider.
- GraphQL CodeGen
Client Libraries
AWS Amplify
- Connect & interact with cloud services
- UI Components for popular front-end libraries
- Authentication
- S3
- GraphQL
- Chatbot
- XR scenes
- Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Vue
GraphQL Transforms
AWS Amplify
The GraphQL Transform provides a simple to use abstraction that helps you quickly create backends for your web and mobile applications on AWS
AWS Amplify
@model - Objects annotated with @model are stored in Amazon DynamoDB Table
@connection - Relations with other models
@searchable - Streamed into Amazon Elastic Search
@auth - Access Controls
@function - Configure AWS Lambda resolvers
Thank you
Building Serverless GraphQL using AWS Amplify
By Sivamuthu Kumar
Building Serverless GraphQL using AWS Amplify
- 1,232