Writing Clean Code
“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."
- Harold Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
One rule to rule them all
The 80 char rule
no 80 char
top_result = df.sort_values('age', ascending=True).groupby('city').head(int(top_item.limit))
80 char
top_result = (df
.sort_values('age', ascending=True)
Readability Counts
if (company.name == 'Orcablue' and company.domain == 'tech' and session is not None and cache is not None):
# do something
if ((company.name == 'Orcablue') and
(company.domain == 'tech') and
(session is not None) and
(cache is not None)):
# do something
Split up expressions into multiple lines
Readability Counts
def adder(a, b):
return a + b
net_pay = adder(90 if employee.designation == 'Manager' else 100, employee.bonus if employee.bonus and employee.bonus > 0 else 0)
def adder(a, b):
return a + b
salary = 90 if employee.designation == 'Manager' else 100
bonus = employee.bonus if employee.bonus and employee.bonus > 0 else 0
net_pay = adder(salary, bonus)
Do not pass expressions as parameters
Readability Counts
def check_if_measure(parse_node, tree_nodes):
result = False
ops = None
parse_node_i = None
for i, node in enumerate(tree_nodes):
if node == parse_node:
parse_node_i = i
if parse_node_i and parse_node_i > 0:
if tree_nodes[parse_node_i - 1].c_tag == '0'
result = True
ops = parse_node.parent.t_tag
return result,ops
def check_if_measure(parse_node, tree_nodes):
result = False
ops = None
parse_node_i = None
for i, node in enumerate(tree_nodes):
if node == parse_node:
parse_node_i = i
if parse_node_i and parse_node_i > 0:
if tree_nodes[parse_node_i - 1].c_tag == '0'
result = True
ops = parse_node.parent.t_tag
return result,ops
Split logic into visual contexts
Readability Counts
Number of lines of code matter much less than readability.
Split up multiple expressions into multiple lines
Do not pass expressions as parameters
- Split up logic into visual contexts
class Person:
def __init__(self, field1, field2, field3, field3):
self.field1 = field1
self.field2 = field2
self.field3 = field3
self.field4 = field4
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, age, designation, salary):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.designation = designation
self.salary = salary
class Akira:
def __init__(self, org_name, org_domain, created):
self.org_name = org_name
self.org_domain = org_domain
self.created = created
self.employees = {}
self.engagements = {}
def add_employee(self, p):
self.employees[p.field1] = p
def new_engagement(self, name, c, emp):
eng_status = 'BEGIN'
self.engagements[name] = (c, e, eng_status)
def engagement_over(self, name):
eng_status = 'TERMINATED'
c, e, _ = self.engagements[name]
self.engagements[engagement_name] = (c, e, eng_status)
def expenditure(self):
temp = 0
for e in self.employees:
temp += e.field4
return temp
def unassigned_employees(self):
unassigned = []
for e in self.employees:
for p_name, p in self.projects.items():
if p[1].field1 == e.field1:
return unassigned
class Organization:
def __init__(self, name, domain, incorporated):
self.name = name
self.domain = domain
self.incorporated = incorporated
self.employees = {}
self.projects = {}
def hire(self, employee):
self.employees[employee.name]] = employee
def start_project(self, project_name, client, employee):
status = 'ONGOING'
self.projects[project_name] = (client, employee, status)
def finish_project(self, project_name):
status = 'FINISHED'
client, employee, _ = self.projects[project_name]
self.projects[project_name] = (client, employee, status)
def calculate_expenditure(self):
sum_of_salaries = 0
for employee in self.employees:
sum_of_salaries = employee.salary
return sum_of_salaries
def get_unassigned_employees(self):
assigned_employees = []
for (_, employee, _) in self.projects.values():
unassigned_employees = (
set(self.employees) - set(assigned_employees))
return unassigned_employees
Rumpelstiltskin Principle
"When you give a name to something, you gain power over it"
Is something VS Does something
Nouns for objects. Verbs for functions and methods.
Self documenting code
Use long, explanatory variable names if they make the logic
Avoid generic names
holder, value, field, data, my_list, single letter variables, var etc.
Code Smells
“I like my code to be elegant and efficient."
- Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++
Code Smells
Overused conditional branches
Lots of If-else blocks, whether nested or sequential.
Don't Repeat Yourself. If some logic is getting repeated
more than twice, it might be a good candidate for refactoring.
Jack of all trades functions and methods
One function should do one thing. If complexity of logic, it
should be abstracted away to other functions.
- Passing expressions as arguments to functions
Code Smells
God Object
A class or function that is doing too many things and has grown too large.
Feature Envy
A class that uses methods of another class excessively.
The Good Samaritan
A class or a function that is handling logic that should be handled by another class or function.
Shotgun Surgery
The same change needs to be made in multiple places.
Unix Philosophy
Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
Write programs to work together.
- Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.
print statements
debuggers - pdb, ipython.embed
- logging
Log liberally - Drastically reduces debugging effort.
Log handlers
Log Levels - Error, Info, Warn, Debug
- Python - %s vs %r
Git Good Practices
Commit often - commits should be small and related.
Make commit messages as explanatory as possible.
Commit messages should ideally begin with verbs -
Fixes, Adds, Changes, Refactors, Deletes, Removes, etc.
Try and tell why the commit was made in the commit message.
- It's OK to commit very small changes with a single commit. It's NOT OK to commit very large changes with a single commit.
Feature Branches
# On master branch
git checkout -b new_feature
# On new_feature branch
git add ...
git commit -m "Adds skeleton for new class"
git add ...
git commit -m "Adds methods for conncting to database"
git add ...
git commit -m "Fixes issue #71. None return value needed to be handled."
git checkout master
# On master branch
git merge new_feature
git branch -d new_feature
git push
Push and PULL
Always pull before pushing your code
git pull --rebase OR git pull && git rebase
- Handling merge conflicts
Fixing Commit Mistakes
git commit --amend
- git commit --amend --no-edit
Writing Clean Code
By sngsahil
Writing Clean Code
- 588