Quality & Test


Main Objectives:

1. Security

              - site

               - mail


2. Quality of the website


3.  Mobile Friendliness

Pros & Cons of Using WordPress


  • Most of the lifting done by wordpress.
  • Gave mostly positive results in tests, including mobile friendliness test
  • Security plugins make the website & form very secure.


  • W3C validator complained about the markup of the page. This imperfect markup was suplied by wordpress which could not be changed by us.

Security (Site)

Security plugin "WordFence" & "Sucuri Security" suggested by the quality team was used in the website.

This made the website very secure.

Security test results

Security (Mail)

Possible to Spam Contact form

  1. Malicious users can easily spam the contact form.
  2. It is possible to use tools like Mechanize or Selenium, to automate the process of filling up the form.
  3. Thus it was possible to complete 100s or 100s of form submissions by a single user, resulting in filling up the company mail with total crap.



  1. With captcha users cannot automate form filling.
  2. Blocks a huge amount of spam.

We used Recaptcha developed by Google. So it is very difficult to crack by spammers.


Minor Fixes

Some other minor fixes were suggested by http://seositecheckup.com/.


Test Report - here



We improved score from 65 to 71. 

1. Added Meta Data

Useful for search engines to find the website.


2. Enforced "UTF-8" encoding.



3. Corrected HTML & CSS Markup Errors

Mobile Friendliness

Implicitly handled by the Wordpress theme.

Error beyond our control

  • Test suggested poor site loadup time               ~ 9 secs.
  • This is the bottleneck of free hosting.

Scope for Improvement

  • Add social media links.
  • Get an SSL certificate.


The site as secure as the name of the company.

It's easy to use and easy to manage, even on mobile.


By Somanshu Dhingra