Magnus Carlsen's Breakfast
Or: The New Style Of A.I.
Stefan Reich,, Apr 10 2017
Example Programs
Step 1:
Concepts instead of words
- Magnus Carlsen => zlydvmmyckgcyrak
- Norway => iuqmfbyjyxmfxntn
- The advantage: Concepts are easier to handle and WAY more clearly defined than English words.
Concepts have...
- ...home pages.
Magnus Carlsen:
Concepts have...
- ...relations to each other.
"X lives in Y." => fhsukilpoasgkvcs
"Magnus Carlsen lives in Norway" =>
fhsukilpoasgkvcs zlydvmmyckgcyrak iuqmfbyjyxmfxntn
What does the A.I. do?
- Translate english to concepts
- Translate concepts back to english
- Relate concepts
- Apply rules
- Search for patterns
- Collect information
- Clean up the database
What About Synonyms?
- Synonyms are just concepts related to each other in the concept database
Multiple Meanings Are Not A Problem
The Meta-Level
- This is the key concept for real A.I.:
Talking to the A.I. about itself.
- It is not a problem - our A.I. handles any thought structure, whatever the subject is.
Thought Webs
Thought webs = primary means of thought
(simple example)
Another Thought Web
What can we represent in an A.I.?
Anything that can be described with words!
- Everyday knowledge
- Math
- Feelings
- Jokes
- Abstract ideas
What about programming?
- We can talk to the A.I. about programs
- The A.I. will learn to analyze and even generate programs
- Manual programming is slowly phased out!
Technical Basis
- My A.I.s are implemented in "JavaX", a Java dialect.
- No installation required
- Just get Java and run a single file (x30.jar)
- Supports Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Android
- So far it's all open source
What Can We Do Today?
- We can build small A.I. applications in short time
(~ 1 day) - We mainly use natural language (English) to describe everything
- Programming effort will become ever closer to zero with each application
- In a few months time, hopefully no more programming will be required for anything (!).
It's Time for Commerce!
- First A.I.s are cheap!
- Introductory offer:
Get a small custom A.I. for 50 €
Any Questions? :)
Magnus Carlsen's Breakfast
By Stefan Reich
Magnus Carlsen's Breakfast
The New Style Of A.I.
- 2,205