
All The Things


is the science of making measurements from photographs. It can be used for reconstructing parts of reality into 3D models

or even maps. 


'Works based on shared features amongst a set of images.

In order for it to work well it needs surfaces with abundant,

non-repeating features.' (Specular)

When photographing make sure that:

  • Your white balance is set manually
  • Your exposure is fixed
  • You are focusing on your subject every shot
  • As much of the scene as possible is in focus
  • If using your phone enable HDR mainly if your object is partly in shade

When taking photos, your object needs to be always in the view.





With a wall, make sure that as you capture, the main area of interest is always in the frame.

With a corner, focus on the corner itself, making sure it is always in the frame and in focus.

When scanning a free-standing object, encircle it, then focus on more complex details.

Capture at least two of these scenes:



Useful Links


Photogrammetry 3D reconstruction:

  • VisualSFM : A Visual Structure from Motion System: (an alternative to PhotoScan)



Useful Links


Artists using photogrammetry

        Clement Valla 

    Hugo Arcier  

    Charles Sainty 

    Lorna Barnshaw 


These slides:

This workshop and slides are inspired by the Exquisite City workshop by James George and Alexander Porter from the awesome SPECULAR studio.

They make, teach and share amazing stuff, check them out!

Photoscan All The Things

By tapioca

Photoscan All The Things

An introduction to photogrammetry.

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