A harp only needs 8 fingers to play the instrument
Harp strings are arranged vertically while a piano is horizontal
A harp's strings are plucked while the piano's strings are hammered
A harp has a sound board, which is a wooden reflector directly under the strings. The purpose of it is to resonate and amplify the sound generated by the strings.
A harp depends entirely upon its unamplified strings to create sound.
How a piano is different to a harp
When playing the piano we use 10 fingers instead of 8 like the harp
There are more keys on a piano than there are strings on a harp
The piano has a clearer sound because the strings of the piano are amplified to generate a different sound
The harp doesn't have pedals that makes the sound softer
The hammer in a piano has something controlling it called hammer control and this helps to transfer the pressure from the key to the hammer
A piano has maintenance and control called regulated which tightens and loosens the strings so that the piano functions properly