Gene Keys Foundation

Teachings and
Gene Keys Resources
from Richard Rudd

Gene Keys Network

Living Library
Community Garden

Gene Keys Foundation is the website of Richard Rudd, founder of the Gene Keys. The Gene Keys teachings are a constantly growing synthesis. On the website you can access the teachings and transmissions that emerge directly through Richard. This includes past archives as well as the very latest areas of emergence. Richard’s teaching will also be featured here on is also home to the Gene Keys Foundation, a Philanthropic Trust that lies at the hub of all the Gene Keys teachings. All profits from the teachings and products go into this Trust which serves a wide variety of humanitarian-based projects. Because many of Richard’s teachings are offered free of charge, your donation to the Trust is most welcome and helps make this wisdom accessible to more people around the world. is the home of the Gene Keys Living Library and Community Garden. It is an international network site where people exploring the Gene Keys can connect, share, support and learn together, and where the growing synthesis of the Gene Keys will become visible through the creative contributions of the community itself. is set up as a self-generating site where the resources needed to run and grow this “space” will come from the community it is serving. Resources will be generated through annual membership, the sale of Gene Keys related products and courses, and through crowd-funding contributions for special projects.

A portion of membership fees and course sales will go into a community trust fund and be utilized for community-selected projects or contributed to the humanitarian efforts being supported by the Gene Keys Foundation.

Gene Keys Network

Gene Keys Foundation

Teachings and
Gene Keys Resources
from Richard Rudd

Gene Keys Network

Living Library
Community Garden

We are two organizations working together and moving towards unifying the two websites into one.

We invite your patience and support as we attend to this transition in a phased and balanced way. +

By Teresa Collins +

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