Teresa Collins
World Class Slide Decks and Educational Offerings
The Gene Keys are a perennial wisdom that we all share.
It’s rooted in our DNA.
And we are standing at the beginning of an extraordinary new epoch - I call it the Age of Synthesis - because we are seeing where all things are connected. And the Gene Keys also show us this - they show us an almost infinite web of interconnections within the universe.
There are 64 Gene Keys, and each one is a fractal aspect that leads to a different dimension.
As a universal teaching the Gene Keys are designed to operate in the internet age. As the Internet continues to expand, we are able to see how a collectivity organizes itself according to fractal principles. Every website on the Internet functions like the nucleus of a cell, and the programmes that run that website are like the DNA that tells that cell which information to relay and which services to offer to the whole. Collectively, all those cells are part of a wider pattern that is self-organizing. This notion of self-organizing systems lies at the heart of the Gene Keys synthesis.
This is quite a new concept for many of us — that a teaching is actually alive and can organ- ize itself.
The Gene Keys will expand through your interaction with them and thus you can contribute to the overall synthesis. Like the cells of our body the Gene Keys require collective cooperation in order to complete their transmission.
This is the role of the Living Library — it provides an online arena for you to be a co-creator of the Gene Keys rather than simply being an observer. You will find that every Gene Key follows its own amazing labyrinth of pathways through the Internet, and you can add your own explorations and revelations to this evolving whole. As your DNA comes into synthesis with the whole, so the information relayed through your aura is greatly magnified and your service to the whole becomes much clearer, both to yourself and to others.
By Teresa Collins